the tags need to be search able in a search bar.
I rather have a tag cloud. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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the tags need to be search able in a search bar.
I rather have a tag cloud.
infradead wrote:the tags need to be search able in a search bar.
I rather have a tag cloud.
There is not enough data yet to justify that page.
the tags need to be search able in a search bar.
I agree.
I also think it would be a good idea to show the tags of every track in the actual list. That will bring some way of relating to the record (8bc has its likes/views columns).
akira^8GB wrote:I rather have a tag cloud.
There is not enough data yet to justify that page.
I didn't say "I WANT IT NAO!"
Skipping over this thread, it's interesting to me that you've expressed desire in another thread for an environment in which everyone can have a voice, upload music, and participate, and yet you bemoan the results of just that happening.
The other thread was joule's reaction to peoples' reaction to this thread, rather than vice versa, if that makes sense...
yeah why are you guys getting jerky on him just because he seems to expect this site to be tailor made to him? he needs a reason to want to be here instead of 8bc why are you guys so unaccommodating
he needs a reason to want to be here instead of 8bc why are you guys so unaccommodating
Reason Joule should want to be here:
There are cooler people here than there are on 8bc.
infradead wrote:the tags need to be search able in a search bar.
I agree.
I also think it would be a good idea to show the tags of every track in the actual list. That will bring some way of relating to the record (8bc has its likes/views columns).
they are search able in the search bar
enter chipbreak and you'll see saskrotch's song maybe more if more people have used that term
showing all the tags would look horrid.
look at this guy … 10-dubstep
and then look at this … ii---nl-23
the first guys tags cover over pretty much the whole song. the second guy has one. it'd look horrible to have them next to each other.
if you say well show the first three tags, people will start complaining on how those first three aren't really what thier song is about or putting stupid memes in them.
it will be refined but for right now it is what it is.
if you say well show the first three tags, people will start complaining on how those first three aren't really what thier song is about or putting stupid memes in them
Random three? Most common three (which would probably bring up more "LSDJ" or "C64" than "wobblestep dubfunk", so is possibly slightly more useful, and would cut down on stupid memes)?
Really, someone shouldn't be tagging the song with stuff that doesn't represent it properly anyway.
Last edited by ant1 (Jan 26, 2010 9:52 pm)
yeah why are you guys getting jerky on him just because he seems to expect this site to be tailor made to him? he needs a reason to want to be here instead of 8bc why are you guys so unaccommodating
Saskrotch, stop trolling the dude, please.
Saskrotch wrote:yeah why are you guys getting jerky on him just because he seems to expect this site to be tailor made to him? he needs a reason to want to be here instead of 8bc why are you guys so unaccommodating
Saskrotch, stop trolling the dude, please.
I for one empathise with Saskrotch. It's just so hard not to when he takes the bait EVERY. DAMN. TIME!
Ok look, about joule: his opinion is fine and I'm not trying to escalate the situation any further. I think he's just a little blunt and doesn't give enough detail *for me* to understand what he is looking for. I've been working on this site nonstop and am a bit grouchy.
So please if you have criticism, please back it up with a solution or some ideas, and be exact about your problem.
Anyways about tags: right now tags are broken in a way: when you click on a tag in a member's song page, it should take you to the list with "tag:some_tag" in the search box. But it doesn't work at the moment and I'm busy with other work to fix it right now.
In other words there are 3 special features about the search box:
1. it allows boolean operations. aka search: gameboy -lsdj would give you all results without lsdj, search: sid +ableton ... would give you all results with sid and ableton.
2. type... by:trash80 will give you all songs by me, by:akira^8gb would give you all of akira's songs.
3. type.... tag:lsdj will give you all items tagged with "lsdj"
... furthermore title name, author, tags, item description, album name, artist, etc are all indexed in the search.
Fron the Site Announcements Forum: Topic: Music uploads section … s-section/trash80 wrote:2. There are improvements and or features currently missing here is a few: RSS podcast, Music Responses, Thumbs, Member profile music list, "New comments on XYZ", home page redesign, and URL Links to files. These are planned and put into a category I call "Phase 2" ... Though if there are not too many bugs I might be able to get the podcast XML done today.
New comments notification is up now though.
I for one empathise with Saskrotch. It's just so hard not to when he takes the bait EVERY. DAMN. TIME!
I do not empathize with trolling.
I didn't say I was supporting anything joule said or did, r that i mentioned this in a "lay off the poor guy" way. Just that trolling should never be the answer, unless you are in eatshitcollective and want to be a kiddy retard. I also spoke after several instances of same unhelpful pointless reaction. It would suck to turn this thread into whatever user flaming thread.
Last edited by akira^8GB (Jan 26, 2010 11:02 pm)