this is totally gonna be right up my alley when it's finished
only things I'd recommend:
if you have a spare channel that isn't doing anything, throw in some really long lines to kind of complement what you're doing with the syncopated stuff! I don't know if you're planning on using 2xLSDJ or not, but if you are, then using a pulse channel for long lead lines totally makes this AMAZING
another thing you could do to get the kick louder (again, it only works with 2xLSDJ ) is have the wav kick on another channel completely on its own. when you're working with music that fast and you want to do stuff with a bass pattern like that (when it goes kick-bass-bass), the problem is always going to be whether you have enough room between the kick and the bass note for the kick to really make its presence known, simply because it doesn't have time to do its pitch shift down before it gets interrupted by the bass note! the higher the BPM gets, the less time the kick drum has to do this! so a potential solution would be to simply give the kick drum its own channel so it has time to get through the table. but then you lose a wav channel
you could also use another pulse channel to double it like skgb said (again, 2xLSDJ) and that gives your kick a great hardstyle-like presence! I guess I'm just trying to make you get another copy of LSDJ ._.
sounds awesome though! really looking forward to hearing more of this