Hi there! First post on the forums... been filling my brain with chiptunes for quite some time, and now I'm looking to try my hand at making some sweet bleeps of my own. I'm tooling around with LSDJ on my nifty YellowBoy, and I'm really enjoying the results. Naturally, I'm already completely taken with the idea of modding this sucker up
and will be looking into a couple of choice augmentations.
First things first... I'm quite interested in a backlight. The new EL panels kitsch is making look incredible, but I think for my first DMG mod I'm gonna go with an LED panel to avoid the possible whine, and also to possibly get a cool color. Right now, my question for anyone who'd care to answer is: which color of LED panels are the most readable/easy on the eyes? I tried my best to google this, and it looks like green, yellow and white are preferred? I'm headed towards green (LemonLimeBoy?), if it's between the three, but I was also thinking about blue. I think bibin said somewhere that blue was not as readable, though. Any advice/suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Oh, and I will be biverting, for sure!