Thank You my friends.
It was a really interesting impression to play with such oldschool hardware.
And for several days while making the album, we had so hot weather (35 degrees and more) that I had to turn the ZX81 off more often to not to burn it or something. One never knows, and the machine likes to heat itself too much.
433 Jul 2, 2012 9:00 am
Re: YERZMYEY - "ZX81" (2 x Yamaha ym2149 / AY = 6 channels album) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
434 Jun 28, 2012 7:46 am
Re: YERZMYEY - "ZX81" (2 x Yamaha ym2149 / AY = 6 channels album) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
thx a lot for You kind words guyz, I'm glad You dig the stuff.
Work with ZX81 was a really interesting thing, the computer is really tiny and also the touch-sense keyboard is an interesting thing to compose with. But I got used to it finally.
SketchMan3: some people like to link specific songs to their sites (without burdening their own servers, hehe), so choose two ways (separate songs or all-in-one-zip).
The problem is, the i-demo also isn't mine. It's my friend's, so I didn't want to bother him twice with data, You know.
Thanks again, my friends.
435 Jun 25, 2012 8:55 pm
Topic: YERZMYEY - "ZX81" (2 x Yamaha ym2149 / AY = 6 channels album) (17 replies, posted in Releases)
Hi guyz.
This is a collection of songs made on ZX81 with TurboSound for ZX81 (two ZonX interfaces - on different ports - to play simultaneously 6 channels).
**ALL** has been written on real ZX81 machine - NO EMULATORS have been USED.
All titles are somehow related with ZX81 machine.
The album is for fans of YM2149 and for AY fans.
01. Yerzmyey - ZX81
02. Yerzmyey - New Line
03. Yerzmyey - UrsULA
04. Yerzmyey - Motherboard Circuit ISSUE ONE
05. Yerzmyey - Break Space
06. Yerzmyey - Earport
07. Yerzmyey - Touch sense
TOTAL TIME: 29:39 min.
Full quality (more/less) 3-pages cover-art to download:
ZX81 is a British monochrome computer as big as an adult man's hand-palm. It has touch-sense keyboard and 1Kb of RAM only and it's been released in 1981 (American version is Timex 1000 and Timex 1500).
It had a modular construction, so people weren't forced to buy all the hardware in one machine, if they didn't need it. So - if anybody required additional RAM, he could buy 16Kb RamPack or more.
If somebody needed sound - he was able to buy a ZonX sound-module (with YM/AY chip inside).
Finally we decided it's not enough for us.
ZonXes are still being produced by various guys. And now - one machine is interesting for our porpose: Mr-X, because it is a through-out device - more interfaces can be connected to it. So - we decided to connect two sound-modules to ZX81 (one of them is on different ports than another) to obtain 6 channels of sound.
And... IT'S ALIVE!!!!!! Yes - You can here listen to 6-channels music composed on real ZX81 32Kb with two YM/AY interfaces (ZXpand-AY and Mr-X). Also I recorded the music from real ZX81 hardware.
To compose the songs I used Andy Rea's "ZX81 SoundTracker" (first I made one half of every song, then the second one, because the SoundTracker for ZX81 can support only one AY chip - 3 channels).
Then I recorded them from the same ZX81 with ZXpand-AY and Mr-X modules (using TurboSound Player).
Thanx go to Andy Rea for the software (ZX81 SoundTracker, TurboSound Player), also to ZX81 hardware developers: SirMorris (ZXpand and ZXpand-AY) and to Sascha2000 (Mr-X).
If You're interested in news from ZX81/Timex1000/Timex1500 world, then visit us on our forum:
(C) & (P) 06.2012 by YERZMYEY
436 May 17, 2012 11:12 am
Re: SoundTracker ZX81 INSTRUCTION (AY/YM) (4 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
Heh, thx dude.
Making music on a home-computer as big as adult human's hand-palm was a really weird experience.
And I intend to repeat it.
437 May 16, 2012 8:52 pm
Re: SoundTracker ZX81 INSTRUCTION (AY/YM) (4 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
A result:
Entire stuff made with a ZX81 with original case, with original touch-sense (membrane) keyboard. No cheating, heh. It was a harsh&hard work.
438 Apr 9, 2012 12:08 pm
Topic: SoundTracker ZX81 INSTRUCTION (AY/YM) (4 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
SoundTracker ZX81
A guide/instruction by Yerzmyey/AY-RIDERS.
The SoundTracker's main screen.
Important: self-repeating keyboard has been programmed in this piece of software! GOOOOD!!
Bows to the Author.
Your controls are:
SHIFT+ENTER (changing 2 main-screens).
I, K (up/down)
U,O (left/right).
ENTER=fire. Accept. You know what.
EDIT music = SHIFT+E
STOP EDITing music = SHIFT+E.
S = STOP playing music.
To enter anything press... ENTER. Yes. Shocker.
But! To change:
P-LEN (pattern lenght. ALL patterns will be in THE SAME lenght!!),
POSITIO (position, yes),
HEIGHT (nobody uses it for 20 years or so. Don't You start),
S-LEN (song lenght),
PATTERN IN EDITOR (changing the patter being now edited)
press ENTER on any of them, and then use I/K (up/down) for changing the values. ENTER again to accept. Phew. Done.
After the program's loaded, change P-LEN (pattern lenght) into 64 value (for 4/4 measure metre song).
Or 48 - for 3/4 measure song (waltz or similar).
SPEED might be confusing, as it goes 'backwards'. For example: 4 is faster and 6 is slower. All trackers have it.
EDITING pattern:
directions/controls You know already.
ENTER is "delete note" here.
R is pause/silence.
G 4 1000
G is a note. 4 is its octave. 1 is a number of instrument.
G 4 1F001
G is a note. 4 is its octave. 1 is a number of instrument. F is "ornament ON". The last "1" digit is a number of ORNAMENT. (F000 is "ORNAMENT OFF!!!")
There are 16 ornaments: 0-F (hexadecimal numbers).
EFFECTS. Mostly we use 4 effects in ZX world of AY/YM. Buzzers, like we call them. Or "hardware envelopes". E & C + their reverses: A & 8.
E and A are more soft and 'warm'. C and 8 are more aggressive and expressive, sharp.
Tunning of them is MANUAL in ZX world. On the one hand it's more difficult, annoying and generally a pain in the a*se. On the other hand, we have a full control over those 'buzzers'. Unlike in Atari ST trackers.
However nobody has control over the buzzers' volume. They can be only turned-on or turned-off. The rest of song must be adjusted by its volume to the buzzers.
G 4 1E05
G is a note. 4 is its octave. 1 is a number of instrument. E is "E effect/buzzer ON". The last "5" digit is a number of the effect. Choose those numbers/values by experiment.
The same goes for A, C and 8.
There is 00-FF values of effects. (hexadecimal numbers).
We use buzzers mostly for bass. When You play with SoundTracker more, then You can learn also how to use them for leading instrument (however it's very difficult to tune them properly and sometimes it's impossible. Then we have to change our composition to adjust the leading part to proper buzzer - if we DO want to use it. A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse. Yupp).
To TURN OFF the effect, You must use F000 command!!!
There are some more effects but nobody uses them (except me) and mostly they sound like crap.
In general we can use only one channel of effects/buzzers. Officially there cannot be 2 or 3 buzzers in 2 or 3 channels. Only one.
However. The truth is - You can put even 3 effect in 3 channels IF they're ALL THE SAME EFFECTS (but they can be with various instruments in various octaves, so it would change the outcome).
Also - You can _experiment_ with various effects in more than 1 channel simultanously but it requires a lot of skills and experiments.
POSITIO is position.
In every position You should place a pattern You want to use.
After it - please remember to use S-LEN (song's lenght) to make LONGER the range of Your song while it grows. It's important as every tracker LOOPs songs by default. At the end of Your song You can add some positions with an empty pattern, to make a break/silence at the end.
OK, the prog has an additional... "less-main" screen. Yeah.
You go there (and return too!) by SHIFT+ENTER.
You prolly know what LOAD and SAVE stuff is.
WIPE various stuff means to DELETE it, if You've been wondering. CLEAR. DESTROY. KILL. KIIIIIIIILL!!!! KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILL!!!
Erm. OK, stop. I'm calm, all right.
I think things are rather understandable here. ORN is ornament.
If You have some song made by anybody and You don't wanna make Your own samples, You load the song, press WIPE-PATTERN, SHIFT+A, Y (for "yes") and then the same with WIPE-POSITION.
Now You have an empty song with all the instruments staying there for ya.
COPYING - it all should be pretty understandable there, but one thing: to copy entire track use (when the program asks You) -
(now You have just marked entire track)
and then, when You give data for 'copy TO PATTERN' -
Later You can experiment with copying only parts of traxx or moving them lower in another channel - for delay (3 lines lower btw).
It has 3 screens of edition.
The first SampleEdit screen.
It's simply VOLUME of the instrument. ENVELOPE, for youth.
You change it with I, K (up/down) for building an instrument and U,O (left/right) for moving within the instrument.
0 = test/play the sound. Supposedly there's some bug: Your cursor should be on "A" channel in the pattern. Dunno why. Hmm. Also, after editing the instrument first time You should go into the pattern, edit anything with the instrument, and go back to the SAMPLE-EDIT. Now You will hear sound while testing - "0". Weird. Yes.
SPACE - clear/delete entire column.
ENTER - next screen of SAMPLE-EDIT.
P - previous screen of the above.
M - on this screen it changes those "00000000000000000000...." into "11111111111111.....".
"00000000000000000000...." means: square wave (tone) along with white-noise.
"11111111111111....." means: white-noise only.
Pure tone - erm. Later.
So You leave this screen with ENTER and go to the second one.
It is the same like the previous one. But it's related only with white-noise.
You can control its width/depth whatever You call it. So now those columns are NOT volumes. Now they're various sounds of the white-noise. For drums. Snares. And so on. Test it by Yourself.
M - on this screen changes those "00000000000000000000...." into "11111111111111.....". But now -
"00000000000000000000...." means: square wave (tone) along with white-noise.
"11111111111111....." means: pure tone (square wave) only.
The third SAMPLE-EDIT screen.
We don't use it very often. It's only for bass-drum (very fast glissando/slide down) or some slides or fast shifts for special effects.
Moving is:
I, K (up/down)
U,O (left/right).
Q/A - change by only 1 degree.
W/S - change by 128 degrees.
M - here it's changing +/- (up/down tone).
All of this works only for square-wave (tone). Not for white-noise.
SPACE: delete value.
0 = test/play/hear sound.
ENTER = exit the SAMPLE-EDIT section.
Ornament editor (ORNA-EDIT) is a bit similar like the stuff above. But we use it often. For additional effects on our square-wave (tone) instruments.
Here we make chords, for example.
2 main chords:
0,3,7,0,3,7 - and so on.
0,4,7,0,4,7 - and so on.
0 is the main/base frequency. 4 is "plus 4 semitones from the base frequency". 7 is "plus 7 semitones from the base frequency". Just like You'd put Your hand on the synthesizer's keyboard and pressed a chord.
Moving is:
I, K (up/down)
U,O (left/right).
Q/A - change by only 1 degree (SEMITONE)
W/S - change by 12 degrees (12 SEMITONES. Yes. An octave).
SPACE: delete value.
M - here it's changing +/- (up/down tone).
Sadly there is no "0 = test/play/hear sound" here. A reeeeeeal pity.
ENTER = exit the ORNAMENT-EDIT section.
The newest version of the program:
It requires ZX81 with ZXpand and ZonX standard AY/YM interface.
439 Mar 2, 2012 11:39 am
Re: YM chip in ZX81/Timex1000 classic computers (6 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
The keyboard is all the charm!
Hahaha, OK.
440 Mar 2, 2012 11:21 am
Re: YM chip in ZX81/Timex1000 classic computers (6 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
> Oh, I thought it was good for all ZX computers, not just the ZX81. Everything explained now, thanks. I didn't know divIDE didn't save. That's kinda shit.
Big shit even.
However it's not exactly the divIDE that doesn't save. That's the most popular firmware, which is FatWare selector.
You can re-flash divIDE, if You "know things" into another system, but all others that save - they're some txt systems like DOS, like in 19 century or so.
> I don't have a Spectrum anymore anyway, ut at some point, who knows, maybe I want it back
YES, do it.
> I used to have one of these too (Timex 1000) with a !!16KB!!! expansion, but I never used it
So now You can get one again, from some ebay and have chiptune sound from ZXpand combo.
> Thanks for the data!
Any time.
441 Mar 2, 2012 8:38 am
Re: YM chip in ZX81/Timex1000 classic computers (6 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Ooo, Akira, nice to hear (see) from You.
- ZXpand and divIDE are made for totally different computers. divIDE doesn't indeed add any memory to Spectrum, because most used models are 48K and 128K (or more sometimes).
- ZXpand is for ZX81 - a hardcore oldschool black/white computer with low-res only (however it's possible to obtain monochrome hi-res, for a batter programmist ). ZX81 has ONLY 1Kb or RAM!
So the ZXpand has also additional memory on-board to add to the ZX81. Hence 32Kb (really enough).
- in standard way divIDE can't save. It could from the technical point of view but FatWare can't. ZXpand on the other hand - can easily load and save traditional ZX81 files used on emulators: *.P files.
- divIDE works with CF cards. ZXpand works with SD cards.
So - they're different devices for different computers (computers from the same company: Sinclair).
ZX81 and Spectrum are like... Commodore Vic-20 and Commodore 64. More/less.
But ZX81 is faaaaaaar more oldschool, so I even wonder - maybe I could try to play concerts from ZX81 sometimes, not from Spectrum, heheh.
442 Mar 1, 2012 9:30 pm
Topic: YM chip in ZX81/Timex1000 classic computers (6 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
OK, so finally I bought all the ZXpand setup for ZX81 (and also for American NTSC equivalent: Timex 1000!!).
32Kb or RAM, SD-card instant loading/saving plus additional AY-interface (well, the Japanese YM version, to be exact) in standard of classic ZX81's ZonX AY-interface from 80s.
There is also a ZX81's version of chipmusic SoundTracker.
I got the hardware from RWAP Software
Yes. It worx.
443 Feb 17, 2012 9:25 am
Re: ZX Spectrum 48K in TV series ;) (5 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Hehe, more contemporary reminiscences from 1990.
444 Feb 15, 2012 8:47 am
Re: ZX Spectrum 48K in TV series ;) (5 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Hehe. Everybody knows that trabant and Kraftwerk rule.
PS: Last trabats was riding with speed of about 160km/h because they had engines from VW Polo.
445 Feb 14, 2012 12:54 pm
Topic: ZX Spectrum 48K in TV series ;) (5 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
ZX Spectrum 48K in TV series (pretty long stuff
446 Feb 2, 2012 10:33 pm
Re: Utztape 81 - ZX81 music demo (3 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
447 Jan 9, 2012 8:28 am
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
448 Dec 22, 2011 8:25 am
Re: ATARI STe music contest (13 replies, posted in Collaborations)
Such a very amazing link!
Although the party is over, but You still can make stuff for Atari ST(e) with those editors.
Even on emulator.