Michigan had a huge chiptune scene, but it vanished when the huge 8-bit(16-bit) indie game revival happened. I'm guessing it was a counter-culture thing of "Hey! I don't like those full orchestras performing live music on my games, so I'm going to square waves and FM synths to make music." And suddenly when games like Shovel Knight and Hyper Light Drifter came out, the chiptunes group just kinda stopped.
I don't know if that is the true cause or reason to why, but it's kinda norm in the entertainment world, right? Just look at the biggest counter culture movement in history (punk) and see how when it started to become commercialized, it just stopped.
ALSO!!!!! Nothing against Shovel Knight and Hyper Light Drifter, I love these games and are actually a huge influence getting me into game development and working on creating my own retro style game (however I'm using m68k assembly instead of modern language).
I'm just upset that now, since I have the money and time to create chiptune music (or more categorically correct, 8/16 bit musical compositions), this site that was the "go to" collective of all people interested in retro music and informative when others ask for help, is no longer popular... i don't know /shrug
edit: [...] biggest counter culture movement in music history