(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

dual SVF/ digital board all day long big_smile


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

jellica: yeah man those editable 2op yamahas are great, I have a pss680 which is what got me into needing a DX baaad. Then i went mad and bought three!

Monotribe is high on my list to get hold of. I was about to trade for one recently but it fell through sad
Really need me some acid box. Monotribe modded with bass drum decay + MC202 would be an absolute dream come true

Xyno: yeah man the microkorg has a decent sound, and is nice an small, but programming it is not fun. and this is from someone who really doesnt mind the DX programming, which is so often labelled shit or unintuitive. Its not at all, if you like, ya know... learn about/ understand how FM works!
MS2000r look so great with that sound engine plus a load of lovely knobs smile


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I would love to visit that place downstate!
and yeah, you want a bcr2000 for programming that JP3X dude, check youtube! Fuck the £250+ for the official one! keep it on the quiet too haha.
Not got into using my FB01 yet for lack of a decent programming software, and never bothered looking into dumping sysex from the DX's, though I will be doing that today methinks to give those DX100 patches some multitimbral outing.

Lazerbeat: DX11? only one ive not looked into! awesome, will enjoy checking that out.
And sammich fm/ SID/ shruthi sounds real nice. I got a sammichSID kit unbuilt and sold a shruthi kit to KeFF which I kinda regret but needed the cash. The DX100 covers much of the same 4op FM base of the sammichFM without some of the additional midibox tricks. I really wanted one, but with me not even being solid enough to build the SID, the surface mount involved with the FM scared me off it! smile

totally considering looking into how to make analogue modules for a 3/4 voice DIY drum synth..

+looks like the common thread here is yamaha FM so far. How about we share some patches or something? Then again i dont know if DX11 is 4op or 6 op, if its 4 we should totally do some patch collab work, or make a few FM trax together

(I love both your guys music, though ive heard very little of yours lazerbeat, outside the odd track and your video of sammichSID, FB01 and piggy to midi)


(44 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

On a massive synth kick today, set everything up in mah front room and it got me wondering about you chip guys;

What synths you rocking? Whats ur fave? (that you use) What do you lust after most?
What do you reckon are the most effective/desirable synths cost to feature wise? (outside of kits like Shruthi/ Sammich

Im owning a microkorg, yamaha dx100 x2 , FB01, and Roland V synth, and gotta say, despite the v-synth being a beast, the DX100s are so badass they kick it into a cocked hat.

I think I could live on a desert island indefinitely with a way to power a DX100 + GP2x+ piggy and midi interface and a multi track tape recorder. smile


(86 replies, posted in Releases)

Just checking out 88:88. MVAS. Sick release. If I buy the VHS could you provide me with the means to dub my own PAL version? (the source video that is, not a PAL VHS recorder etc etc smile)

***In fact, if you do, il dub more for you guys for any PAL peeps who want to bask in its awesomeness

And if the new one is even better then WOW, going to love it

** Okay, yep loving 7.25.2148. Way to go with the label guys, gonna enjoy nomming the rest of the releases if this guy is anything to go by...

wot no covox? big_smile lol
sure this will be great listening


(44 replies, posted in Trading Post)

somebody buy me gals fighters and have me make graphic design, art or music for you!

pwease? (-___-,)

im gonna bet the guy reads b00daws method and decides to track it on the gb....

good effort tho gaiz.
and nice find lazerbeat, someone test this immediately!

no super metroid?! or reg metroid?! blasphemy

give me a few days and il whack you some loops to your soundcloud dbox smile

what about adding in a simple analogue/ digital filter? and/ or a pt delay circuit? aside from midi, feedback and the shit mods!


im in!

judging by the graphics alone id say the pink box is the original. that and the yellowed box, and the white box vercoming in multiple variations


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nerdsome wrote:

Isn't the transportation system so good in all of Europe that you can be in any part and still have easy access to anywhere else making all of Europe feel as if it's one country?  This summer will be my first time there and that's what people are telling me anyway............    ........... ............

No, Unfortunately.
based on my experience anyway!


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

hey, really loving the tracks.

I agree though, itd be nice to have some longer tracks rather than the beat tape style! The quality of the beats really deserves some development imho. And if you fancy that, and would like some nice cover art producing, id be more than willing to help.

Definately feeling the samiyam/brainfeeder feel. wonky to fuck! in a gooood way big_smile

loving it, thanks CS