(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@cyberic: Ok, then an idea is to translate the note to song position in midicloro. A CC message can be put at the start of each row which will make midicloro send a new song position message incremented by 1. On the first row of each block, another CC is used to reset the position back to the note value again to handle looping.
This means you have to start the sequencer at the first row of your blocks.
Would this work for your use case?

Currently I want to focus on getting the GB link port communication with the GPIO port working, and I also have some other ideas for the chord settings. So I can't really say when this function might be available.

@unexpectedbow: Thanks!


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Thanks for all the positive comments. I'm glad to hear this can be of use for someone other than myself.

@cyberic: I think what you want is possible. From what I've read on the Arduinoboy GitHub page it seems like the LSDJ Master sync mode sends the song row position as a MIDI note message.
This note can probably be changed to a Song Position Pointer message. It feels like the best solution is to modify the Arduinoboy code to achieve this.

@unexpectedbow: Sounds like a nice setup! May I ask which USB-MIDI adaptor you use? (I will add it to the list of supported devices).


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Glad to hear you got it working!  Can you confirm if the nanoloop usb adapter works with the Raspberry when you get it? (it should)


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

A Raspberry Pi with Raspbian can do USB to DIN MIDI out of the box if you have a USB MIDI interface with DIN connectors.
You can route USB keyboards to a DIN port on the interface using the aconnect command.

This way you dont have to solder anything.

See here for an example:
http://sandsoftwaresound.net/send-midi- … -to-5-pin/

I've made a program which lets you route MIDI like above while adding clock and more. See this thread:
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17404 … l-routing/

Another chipmusic release with classical influences: Soleviio - Sonus Antiquitatum.

Very cool, great job!

Would it be possible to keep the link port untouched and add the usb port somewhere else? Then we can still sync two GBs via the link port (for LSDJ master/slave, games etc).

Is it an easy mod to move the usb port if a user desires?


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've been using rechargeable 1.6 volt NiZn batteries for a few months with my MGB.
Contrast fluctuates way less, even when the batteries are low. The only drawback I've noticed is that they discharge quicker when not used than NiMH.

I wonder if I understand the ArduinoBoy MIDI out code correctly.

Sending 0 and 1 to the GB clk pin should trigger the GB to send notes and CC on the SO (out) pin.
One bit is sent from the GB for every 0 1 sent to the GB clk pin, so 0 1 is cycled 8 times to get a byte.

I tried this today while sending MIDI notes in LSDJ, but I never got anything from the GB. The SO pin is constantly 0.
Maybe I use the wrong pins.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Sounds great! I'll look at your code and we'll keep in touch.

Great job getting slave sync working! Have you looked at MIDI out mode as well? I'm doing a MIDI clock program for the RPi and would like to implement GB link communication too.
Åre you connecting the link cable directly to gpio pins?
Have you uploaded your code somewhere?
Do you want to work together with this? An idea is that our programs could communicate via a virtual ALSA MIDI port.

I haven't found any specifications other than the Arduinoboy code either.

Info about my clock program:
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17404 … l-routing/

MIDIcloro is software for the Raspberry Pi for merging MIDI data, sending clock and affecting notes in different ways.
It can be used with any MIDI devices, but is designed to work particularly well with the Gameboy + Arduinoboy (LSDJ MIDI out mode).

Installation instructions, LSDJ examples and more info:

* Velocity mode - set velocity via CC, comes with a random velocity setting which can be toggled on the fly.

* Mono mode - solves problem with occasional dropped notes from the Gameboy. About 1 note of every 30-50 was dropped for me, but with this it almost never happens anymore. (Experimental fix, requires custom Arduinoboy software, only tested with GBC, see README).

Other functions:
* MIDI clock
* Channel switching
* Chords

I've had similar problems when using a usb 3 port. Switching to a usb 2 port fixed it for me. I guess you could also try to disable usb 3 in bios.

You can skip the official driver and try the command line tool if you want. There is an exe file posted in the thread if you dont want to build it yourself:

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17128 … ows-howto/

Have you tried setting sync mode to MIDI out in LSDJ and on the Arduinoboy before connecting the cable to the link port?
I have also got crashes and hanging, but I solved it by doing things in this order.

There is a command line tool for the EMS cart made for Linux and Mac. I got it working on Windows, but there is no official installer or .exe file.
I think the easiest way to go is a virtual machine with XP as suggested by jefftheworld, but check this thread if you're interested in the command line tool:

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17128 … ows-howto/

Did you pick both libusb1.0 and libusb1.0-devel, or just the devel? I will edit my instructions, thanks for noticing.