(8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Yeah, the USB port on my arduinoboy won't populate as a midi device. It will populate as a USB serial device though, which is very close to a MIDI device. You can use this program to create a local midi device that will output to the arduinoboy: http://projectgus.github.io/hairless-midiserial/

As for the USB boy, I don't think kitsch will ever have them again. It was more of a Justin Thursday thing anyways, and it looks like he's still selling them: http://store.thursdaycustoms.com/product/usb-boy


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

There's this: http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2013/02/19 … -graphics/


(23 replies, posted in Sega)

*I am not an expert by any means. If you have a different opinion, please share it!*

To me, what I think it boils down to, is that the audio in the GG (and master system by extension) is just not..... that.... interesting. 3 square waves, one noise channel. So my question is, the Gameboy can do all of that, and more thanks to the wav channel. It can be programmed as a square wave channel if you want, but does anyone actually do that? Probably not much, because 3 square waves is just not that interesting.

It's not like the chip community hasn't ever dug up an ancient console though (see houston tracker). But there's still some element of uniqueness that drives a lot of that.

Add on top of that the relative obscureness of 8 bit sega consoles, and I think you get to where we are today. When was the last time you saw a master system in the wild? I don't think I ever have. Game Gears are a little more common, but not a ton. I mean, there is exactly one GG flash cart out there.

That being said, I like the idea. I'd love to hear if anyone else has any other opinions!

EDIT: Even further, the SN76489 is still readily (and cheaply) available. As much as I hate to say it, if you really wanted a GG tracker, you might be better off just building a whole new tracker interface based around an arduino or something. Like for real, the whole think could be made for under $50. cram it all in a gameboy pocket shell or something.

Hot new product alert! MBC5 cart, LSDJ compatible! Get it while it's hot:



Have you contacted Ben directly? He is very responsive on Facebook.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


FYI, using nitro2k01's modified version of pushpin should resolve this issue completely. Especially if you're using a DAW, there's not a huge reason to use mGB over it: http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2016/11/14 … loop-midi/


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

BERMP! Happy birthday Peter. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.

Blockhead wrote:

Hey catskill did you work this out mate? I am also struggling to get midi in working when everything does. Cheers!

I did. Basically go over the midi in circuit a million times to make sure it's wired correctly. Your opto may also be dead, so grabbing an extra may not be a bad idea. Also make dang sure your gb link cable is connected correctly!

I eventually made a diy kit out of these frustrations: http://catskull.net/shop/arduinoboy At $16, it might be worth saving you hours of frustration.

killedatschool wrote:

Ok. That seemed to work. Arduinoboy powers on when I turn on game boy.  Cycles through LEDs. Once the cycle completes they all turn off. Is that normal?

That is normal.

Shameless plug: I can totally put nitro2k01's version of pushpin on the cart that comes with my arduinoboy quickstart bundle: http://catskull.net/shop/arduinoboyquickstart

I could also whip up a nice cable for GBC use if there's interest.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

This is awesome!

The first one is here: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/The_J … enes_Band/

For the other two, have you contacted Dan?

I like it a lot! Definitely sounds super video gamey, not really a bad thing! Your levels are WAY too high though. I would decrease the overall volume by about 50%.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well this pic definitely has a new screen installed. Notice the ribbon cable folded over. The quality of the installation is definitely questionable but I'd say you most likely have a backlit screen!

Curious, have you tried piggy in any other versions of PPSSPP?