(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my.Explosion wrote:

This bug especially is fun

You use the white theme?!? Crazy!

Admins, you should release the CSS for the theme styles so people could submit their own, or at least be able to upload it to their profile or something.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Congratulations! smile

Thanks for the kind words everyone! Props to Jazzmarazz for the board design!

As for ordering, this weekend isn't going to happen. It's mother's day and I've neglected my wife enough as it stands so I won't have any time to work on this. I need to assemble all the boards before any can go on sale as well. That shouldn't take too long though. I also need to verify a few things. Rough estimation for availability is May 15.

I will have a list of supported and tested roms that you can choose from. No commercial roms. You will also be able to send me a rom and I'll test it and add it to the list of options (with your approval).

Cartridge is $10 USD. Shipping is $3 flat rate in the US, up to like 10 carts or something. So it's cheaper to buy more than one cart! International shipping will vary country by country so you'll need to get in contact with me before ordering.

I'll update this thread once I have an update!

Just to note, mGB will combine PU1, PU2, and WAV if you send MIDI on channel 5.

Oh so the maxpat editor allows you basically to reprogram the arduinoboy using only the midi cables? That's super cool! You can even change presets for everything? I'm going to have to play with that!


To use the keyboard mode, follow these steps:

  • Set the arduinoboy to Keyboard mode

  • Set LSDJ sync mode to Keyboard

  • Make an empty chain

  • Make an empty phrase

  • In the phrase, put one note at the top

  • Send MIDI notes via Arduinoboy MIDI in on channel 16.

  • You should hear sound!


There are a total of 6 LED's on the arduinoboy. 5 of them indicate modes, and one is a status led that doesn't do a whole lot other than blink in some modes. Honestly the status LED could probably be removed without any issues.

The status LED is on pin 13 of the arduino.

The mode LED's are on pins 8-12 of the arduino. Starting at pin 8, the modes are as follows:
- mGB
- Nanoloop
- MIDI in to LSDJ keyboard
- LSDJ master sync
- LSDJ slave sync

There are additional modes that combine LED's and require a special version of LSDJ to use:
- If LSDJ slave and master blink together, that is LIVE MAP mode. "incoming MIDI notes cue LSDJ row numbers, requires custom LSDJ version on the LSDJ site."
- If all the LED's blink together, that's LSDJ Midi out mode. PU1, PU2, WAV, and NOISE send midi data on midi channels 1-4 respectively.
- I added another mode for the PS/2 jack on my kit. In that mode, Slave, Master, and Keyboard all blink together.

I started a thread here hoping to improve the documentation. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted walking people through using LSDJ in keyboard mode. It is confusing and not straight forward. My goal was to write a little manual and distribute it under a GPL license just like the arduinoboy code is. Here's the thread: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/18179 … mentation/

I think I'll make a few posts in that thread that answer your questions. All of your questions are totally good and valid questions though. I forgot how confusing the LED's are when you don't have a nice PCB with text next to each one.

The boards finally showed up! Just waiting on a few final details before they go on sale. In the meantime, here's a quick demo video I made to show it off!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool release! Nice vocals, and nicely done! Kind of a cool experimental/post-hardcore release. Great work!

jonstapes wrote:

I am having the same issue as lambdata. I have LSDJ in keyboard mode, Arduinoboy is set to keyboard mode, M-U-T-E functions are working but the Gameboy only plays F#6 no matter what note I send. Help??

Does your arduinoboy work with any other modes?


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bump! Added Atari 1040ST

Fantastic work! How about that fancy pro sound board?

Yeah that's what IRRLICHTPROJECT posted just a few above you.

The problem with that player is that it ONLY does OGG/MP3, right? So for all the other formats, you're still hosed.

irrlichtproject wrote:

BUMP for HTML5 player. Flash is dead af.

Btw, gasman made a very nice js player for various chip formats: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=10708&page=1


I'd love to help implement this as well, if admins don't have time.