(109 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A "hide this thread from me" feature would be kind of nice. Like a super unsubscribe. That or the ability to hide a user. Kind of a shadow ban I guess.

I can, but there's like a 70% chance I'll forget. I suggest you subscribe to this thread to get email notifications.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

That intro for Marvelous is great. How do you do that fade in/fade out effect in LSDJ?

White. Most people will not know it isn't the original grey. But it looks better than the grey. Best of both worlds.

Starshine wrote:

Hey, did I miss the boat on these??

Nope, see like two posts above yours. And yeah, herr_prof is right, no multi rom tomfoolery. They're designed to Just Work™, you boot straight into the rom. No menus, no flashing, no batteries.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Great work! I'm going to cherry pick this commit into my own fork. It would be nice if we could work out who's repo will be master. It doesn't seem like trash80 wants to maintain it.

Do you have the source code anywhere? I'd be really interested to look through it.

I like the chrome app idea. Could you possibly do it with Node and Electron instead? That way it would be it's own standalone program.

But yeah, I'd be really interested to try it out. Not that I would use it that much, but I'd like to dig through your code to understand it more.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You probably could. Is this the arduino you're talking about?

I'm foggy on the details, but that is not straight up compatible with the current Arduinoboy code. You should use a pro mini instead, which doesn't have the USB port but is cheaper and compatible.

There's kits on ebay intended to use for an internal arduinoboy. It has all the circuitry you need for an arduinoboy (besides jacks and stuff). I'd probably do that as it will be the smallest choice.

What are you going to do with the gameboy cable? Cut off the USB cable?

Do you currently have one of the midi cables you talk about on hand? I have one and it's a little unwieldy. Just super long, not that flexible wiring. Easily tangles.

Oh and you'd have to make sure you use a link cable harvested from a 4 player adapter, or modify an aftermarket one to supply 5v from the gameboy.

What about the LED's? How will you mount them in the plastic? Those cables have 3 LED's already, but you need 3 more. Same goes for the button. Wiring will quickly eat up any free space.

I'd be interested to see what you come up with. Good luck!

It's like (the downfall of) 8BC was the single greatest validator of gameboy music.

nordloef wrote:

Super exciting news! I'm also interested.

catskull wrote:

What cool is that the carts are re-flashable with a programmer such as altane, bennvenn, or the Reiner Zeigler ones.

Does that also include the Smart Boy flasher? I *think* it's a Reiner Zeigler based one.

Sorry, I missed this somehow. Yeah AFAIK the smartboy is the polish student design. So yeah, it should work fine. You never know though!

Just an update on this:

The first batch of boards has been ordered. Testing will commence when they arrive (hopefully within a week or two). If that goes well, they should be for sale by the end of next month!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh I didn't mean is there a demand, I meant why is there a demand.

Can I plug github? It would be a great place to host important docs. If you stop paying the hosting bill, it will still be there. You can even host a static website from a github repo. I also have web experience and can help you get something together. Feel free to PM me. I mean, I made this: http://catskull.net/GB-Logo-Generator/


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arfink wrote:
catskull wrote:

Started selling arduinoboys on my website. Got a handful of other products in the works. Still haven't completed a song. Also had a kid. Also changed jobs. Not interested in php but web development is my day job. Most of the time I feel like an idiot and want to quit.

So, what do you use for dev? Just curious. I'm learning PHP, but also simultaneously learning how to use the Laravel framework because I have an offer with a company if I can learn it. tongue So yeah, I feel ya on the stupid-code-monkey front. But I've also found in life that jumping in at the deep end, while somewhat frustrating, does usually reap many benefits in the end.

I did rails full time for a year or so. Right now it's Java with a cocktail of JavaScript stuff. I mean technically my thing right now is an indefinite paid internship, which basically gives me low productivity expectations and tons of schedule flexibility in exhanche for benefits like insurance. I did some hardware stuff with the xbee radios for a while there, which was fun. I'd kind of like to get back into hardware but it may just be a hobby which is why the little shop has been so fun.


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Started selling arduinoboys on my website. Got a handful of other products in the works. Still haven't completed a song. Also had a kid. Also changed jobs. Not interested in php but web development is my day job. Most of the time I feel like an idiot and want to quit.

Ledfyr wrote:

It would be possible to hack the Aboy code to change MIDI channels via CC commands from the Gameboy.

That's a great idea! Would that interfere with other cc commands though? I mean you'd basically need 16 unique cc commands right?