Huh, how interesting. Would a simple channel re-assigner/midi through box be useful? Like one input, 4 outputs with the ability to adjust which channels the through goes to on the fly.

Are there not simple midi channel re mappers to adjust channels on the fly?

I could modify the Arduinoboy code for you to output on channel 10... Or is that what you're asking?

One thing I like to do is just make the song on LSDJ, then send relative midi notes so I get a doubled up sound. Ghetto, but I like how it sounds!

Also I can't not plug my affordable Arduinoboy. Check out!

Not going to lie, I'm a little bummed about rose colored gaming. Thought at least he's not charging $30 for your DMG shells.

I'd love to see your stuff open sourced, if nothing else just to look at it and learn.

Really, what will it take to get production runs of ALTANE and the fightercart? Do you have any plans on open sourcing the MBC5 clone code?


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

lvlzero wrote:

snes trackers

I don't really know, but what's the demand for an SNES tracker? Aren't they all sample based anyways? Seems like you'd just pick up piggy and call it a day.

Don't forget that you need the patched version of LSDJ that does midi out

Speak for yourself. I, for one, am jealous.


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sorry, wasn't trying to troll. Carry on.


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

How about put it in the tupperware, throw into gig bag, remove from gig bag, remove from tupperware? wink


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

tearauth wrote:

In all fairness ive got one that is a shield on an arduino board and i dont feel like its very sturdy with exposed boards on my desk with drinks and such around, im not looking forward to travelling with it

I mean, is it really that much more fragile than a gameboy? I'm not saying anyone is wrong, but you'd pretty much have to submerge the whole unit to break it.  Cases are totally an option, but they add a lot of cost. 3D printing is an option but I don't really feel like it's very high quality.

Maybe I could stick it in a box and then fill it with epoxy?

Also kitsch had the xiwi arduinoboys which have an enclosure kind of. The sides are still exposed. But really, no equipment will stand up to a drink being poured on it it.



(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

On the shop page there are several options for assembly. Click the little drop down menu thing!


(21 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I sell arduinoboys in my shop for pretty cheap. They even have a built in PS/2 to LSDJ adapter! Check it out!


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Really enjoying this! Cool artwork as well.

The SD card in the cartridge really takes it to the next level. Simple mod, but so cool.