(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

squidula wrote:
defiantsystems wrote:

Guess my shit is too hard for Hot Topic!

I mean if its a song name its cool but i cant be handing out cds and cards with Dr. Mario smoking the chronic.

But he's a doctor, so it's medical!


(13 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Fuck yeah!

e.s.c. wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

This thread is starting to reveal the true chipscene history.

feryl did 9/11

Illum-anaguchi confirmed!


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First just try out Nanoloop 1.3 and/or LSDJ on a Gameboy/Gameboy Color


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

First just try out Nanoloop 1.3 and/or LSDJ on a Gameboy/Gameboy Color


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Does anybody know where one can purchase a Fatass cartridge?

TSC wrote:

When I busted Crystal Castles.

What's yhe whole crystal castles deal?

Auxcide wrote:

As far as I know, I'm it for Sacramento. I bet there's some close by in LA and SF though.

Kubbi wrote:

Let's conquer some ground and create our own chiptune community country

This plz.

I second this

VCMG wrote:

Mostly chipthrash. I think.

Edit: I should probably mention that Simi Valley is in the LA area.

Oh how I'd kill to be in a place with a chipthrash scene

jefftheworld wrote:
Starshine wrote:

would it be possible to power the keyboard separately, using some sort of battery contraption?

Read the third paragraph that you just quoted! ;p

oh, I apologize!
this will still work with a GBC, correct?

jefftheworld wrote:
Starshine wrote:

can you explain the wiring thing a little more to me? >.<

The Game Boy link cables don't have all 6 potential pins wired. Most only have 4 wired; ground, clock and the two data lines. More rarely, some cables have a 5th wire that connects to the Game Boy's 5v pin.

The keyboard needs power to operate and if you want to have the Game Boy power the keyboard, you'll need to find a cable that has that 5th pin wired or you'll need to modify one of the 4 wire cables by opening the shell around the pins and moving the wire connected to the data-out that you won't use to the 5v pin.

The other option, while perhaps less than ideal, is to wire a battery clip or external power supply to the pins for ground and 5v. In my experience most keyboards are totally happy running at 6v, so a battery clip with two A-type batteries of any size would work, but your mileage may vary.

would it be possible to power the keyboard separately, using some sort of battery contraption?

Jazzmarazz wrote:

The cable needs to be able to supply power. So just make sure you get one with all five of six wires connected and you can do it for whatever gb you want.

can you explain the wiring thing a little more to me? >.<

Hey everybody, so I was looking into doing the LSDJ keyboard controller mod. I have a ps/2 keyboard, a gameboy color (as well as a DMG i can use) and a gbc to gbc/dmg link cable. I notice most of the LSDJ keyboard mods are with a DMG, but I've seen a few that use a gameboy color.

Would I be able to successfully do the mos with the GBC, and that link cable?  is there a specific link cable I need to use?



(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Why did the posts stop? D:


(463 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Why did the posts stop? D:


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

b4by f4c3 wrote:

my live/travel gig set-up
Rhythm Scope running my own visuals, GBA SP/Nanoloop2.3&2.5 hooked up to PISSbox
hooked up to iRig Mixer, Modded DMG running Nanoloop 1.7

Are your gameboys for sale?