Hey all!

I'm back again with another installment of "fuck off stop asking us questions."

Today; exactly what the topic says.

As a bonus, why do you continue to make chiptune if said least favorite thing is really hindering?

I'll start with the fact that I hate the hardware and no gameboy models are perfect for me, but here I am still making music because I love the sound and LSDj as a form of composing music.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I wrote 2 articles about both programs that you should take a look at:

LSDj: http://chiptuneswin.com/blog/wsiu-little-sound-dj-lsdj/
Nanoloop 2: http://chiptuneswin.com/blog/wsiu-nanoloop-2-x/

Since writing the NL2 article, I've tried a bit of NL1 and it's very good, though I much prefer the way LSDj handles the programming better. Mono has yet to arrive in the mail for me, but it looks really good.

imho, LSDj > Nanoloop for going apeshit on the hardware, but Nanoloop > LSDj if you want to just get started and fuck around.

(also as a side note, make your topic name relevant to the question at hand tongue )


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ShintarouMusic wrote:

I'd recommend just getting a new one off craigslist or something if you need it soon. I haven't heard of an issue like that besides with the GB-303

best of luck, sorry man! hmm

Yeah I do have a spare one so I'll just prosound it and swap the boards


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I could really use some help. I have a show in a week and I really need this GB to work correctly for it.

Take a picture of the mainboard. Is this an HHL or other frontlight?

nitro2k01 wrote:



(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


I've tried multiple carts and multiple roms


So I just modded my last GBC but there seems to be an issue with the way it's playing audio when using something like LSDj. It cuts notes a few ticks before a frame ends or after an instrument is playing for a bit. This obviously isn't normal.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the prosound mod I installed because the speaker is doing the exact same thing.

Any idea what the issue might be here?


PS: I removed EM2 and EM3

I mean the title is pretty self explanatory...

Mine is 'Poison Flower' by Knife City

Im_A_Track_Man wrote:

She's straight fuckered, friend. You likely ripped the back ribbon cable that connects behind the LCD or broke a trace or two on the brown one under the screen.

fuck. welp that's the end of me modding DMGs. 3rd time this happened.

bump. Can anyone help?

Hey all!

So I have no idea how I caused this, or what even can cause this because frankly I've seen nothing like it and it boggles my mind that after looking at countless tutorials and making sure I followed every direction down to the letter, the LCD is always the one thing that fucks up.

Here's what it looks like:

Is there any way to fix this. And yes I've tried the soldering iron accross the ribbon cable.


kineticturtle wrote:

Those versions of LSDJ aren't even listed in the LSDJ version history. Either way, you should have sync set to "NANO" so it will make the clock adjustment.

A) that's the nanoloop ver #
B) I already tried that



(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I've been using it for a year now and it's honestly the best version of Fami.

there's a topic specifically for this ya know wink

but hi anyways