Count me in yoni
1 Dec 16, 2015 10:04 am
Re: CHIPTHRASH COMPO FOR THE MEMORY OF DATATHRASH (85 replies, posted in Collaborations)
2 Dec 23, 2014 8:22 am
Re: Open AY compo [V MICROCOMPO AY] (11 replies, posted in Collaborations)
3 Nov 18, 2014 11:35 am
Re: YERZMYEY in Japan, Square Sounds Tokyo 2014 festival (11 replies, posted in Past Events)
I heard the live set and it couldn't be more awesome. What still amazes me is how bassy the AY could sound on a live venue PA, it happened the same when rolemusic did his set two years ago.
Don't underestimate the power of the AY kids! Keep on doing lsdj and leave the AY for the daddies xDDDDD
4 Nov 18, 2014 9:44 am
Re: Post Your First Chip Music (56 replies, posted in General Discussion)
PaK-Zer0 wrote:My first chiptune track was made with piggy tracker and gp2x, circa 2008 when I first discovered the whole chipscene and the piggy tracker.
The first recording of this track was on my live set for Toy Company 6, I left my embarrasing intro speech for the lulz because it was my first time fronting the stage in english and I couln't do it worse xD
Haha! That was really awesome. I want to do a live show someday.
Thanks dude! Just go out there and do it. You'll never find a perfect scenario for a chipmusic live show, but you got to put a little bit of slyness to get you to play in a regular electronic show or something like that. Don't aim to the typical venues and find places where no-one else would go to play. Even busking in the streets is a nice move to make your first live. There's tons of threads talking about this
My first gig was in Montreal a few years ago thanks to an already built scene, but my next ones was in a squat houses, retrogaming fairs and stuff like that.
Good luck ^_^
5 Nov 2, 2014 12:47 pm
Re: Post Your First Chip Music (56 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My first chiptune track was made with piggy tracker and gp2x, circa 2008 when I first discovered the whole chipscene and the piggy tracker.
The first recording of this track was on my live set for Toy Company 6, I left my embarrasing intro speech for the lulz because it was my first time fronting the stage in english and I couln't do it worse xD
6 Oct 29, 2014 8:24 am
Re: EIS22. Zan-zan-zawa-veia "Mist Slug" (25 replies, posted in Releases)
This is f*ckign neat m8, rad release
7 Oct 29, 2014 8:21 am
Re: Study into chiptunes fandom. (54 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Survey filled
8 Oct 29, 2014 8:15 am
Re: YERZMYEY - "Chiptunes" 2014 (ZX, Sam Coupe, ST, Amiga) (19 replies, posted in Releases)
I love your stuff Yerzm, thanks for sharing
Edit: While loving the music, why won't you find somebody to do a better cover-art for it? I mean, the music is so awesome, but the cover art doesn't play in the same level.
(listening track 3)
Thanks for discovering me the sam coupé and its crazy Philips SAA1099 chip, I didn't have a clue about it!
9 Oct 29, 2014 8:14 am
Re: Open AY compo [V MICROCOMPO AY] (11 replies, posted in Collaborations)
C'mon you lsdj fxgs, you seriously don't want to miss this one because we're going to rock the f4ck out of this chip.
10 Sep 9, 2014 9:48 am
Re: Open AY compo [V MICROCOMPO AY] (11 replies, posted in Collaborations)
ant1 did an interesting vortex tutorial some time ago in this forums, check it out to get started
I'm in this one 100%, nice to know that we'll get some extra musicians from chipmusic
11 Jul 17, 2014 9:38 am
Re: Chud011&Rolemusic- collider (4 replies, posted in Releases)
Freaking tight release. Love the cover art, love the collab tracks, solo tracks are also awesome, but collab tracks bring us the best of the spanish chip scene.
12 Jul 17, 2014 9:25 am
Re: Help with ProTracker 3 for Speccy (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Please, somebody tell this guy that I love that!
13 Jul 15, 2014 9:03 pm
Re: Help with ProTracker 3 for Speccy (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Yes, exactly.
When somebody needs me to make a PT3, I just use the SoundTracker and then convert the file with the Vortex - into PT3.![]()
Well, the way is "a little bit" longerbut that's the general idea.
PS: I wrote a question on WOS hp?t=48079 but they answered nothing at all. Of course.
Nice, then I'll use SoundTracker instead. It looks like I'll have more sources of knowledge.
Thanks for all Yerzm!
14 Jul 15, 2014 6:31 pm
Re: Help with ProTracker 3 for Speccy (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
Thanks dude, like you said I chose ProTracker because Vortex is based on it. As you said, the user manual is not very useful, even if I use a translator.
The only que question I have now if there's a way to convert a song made in sound tracker to a pt3, I guess that Vortex maybe can do the job.
15 Jul 14, 2014 9:12 am
Topic: Help with ProTracker 3 for Speccy (11 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
So recently I bought an amstrad cpc for making AY tunes and I've been happily messing with VortexTracker and doing a few tracks on it. But the bad thing about Vortex is that I can only work on my tracks at home.
That's why I started to look up alternative ways to make ay songs and I found out a promising one but now I'm a little bit blocked. What I've been trying is to use a speccy emulator (Unreal Speccy for Android) and run Golden Disk's ProTracker, which is very similar to Vortex.
The thing is that I can't find any user manual or tutorial, and I only figured out a few controls, for example: I got how to move the cursor in the grid, mouse, delete, put notes and values on the grid, edit 'samples' BUT once I click Play I don't know how to pause the whole thing.
Does anybody know if there's an user manual? Otherwise I would like to know how to stop/play the song/pattern and a few block functions like copy&pasta.
Thanks ^w^!
16 May 7, 2014 11:27 am
Re: Chipmusic Imageboard (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Xuriik wrote:This is a great idea, thanks for implementing it!
>Why does lsdj get its own board?
For one, thanks
The reason LSDj get its own board is because it is one of most popular tracker softwares for the gameboy. And (most of all) I was out of ideas, so thats why I'm taking board requests.
Just make boards for each plattaform instead making one board for LSDj and another for the rest of the trackers. A board for LSDj solely is really lame despite its popularity =P