(42 replies, posted in Releases)

er, my track seems to be missing? HERE IT IS IN DA MEANTIME


(122 replies, posted in Collaborations)

ok, finished my track (though it's super late.)!  here's hoping it makes it past the finish line...


(122 replies, posted in Collaborations)

AGH i fell asleep

if you still have some room i can crank out an mp3 within the next couple of hours for ninja inclusion


(122 replies, posted in Collaborations)

i'm still writing feverishly!  had a crazy day at work today unfortunately,  still really wanna finish this tune i started so i might be tardy by a couple hours max.   hope it's ok still!


(122 replies, posted in Collaborations)

gonna try!

word up juan

i currently have..

- 2 GBA SP's
- 1 GB Pocket, dual prosounded
- 4 x DMG's

... which i still think is _barely_ enough for what i want to do.

The SP's are what i do my main songwriting on - the frontlights let me do so under any kind of lighting conditions.  i also have 2, because if you're using the headphone adapter, you can't charge at the same time -- so i charge one while i write with the other, and when the battery is low i move my cart to the other SP.  the SP's also happen to be discreet and modern enough so that i can write on the commute to/from work without getting weird looks from people because i have a big honkin' DMG in my hands.

as for the DMG's, i want to have a minimum of 2 working at any given time, for syncing 2xLSDJ and/or for transitioning between songs in a live setup.  the other 2 are either backups or for modding practice.  i wouldn't mind having another DMG handy, just for modding practice/experiments.

the GB pocket is just something i picked up because it was cheap.  i may not use it ever but i guess it'll do as a backup unit.

anyway, i used to think more than 2 was overkill, but i guess it all depends on what you want to do with your setup.  if all you're interested in is writing music, you'd need at most 2.   but if you're getting more serious about taking your hardware into the wild, it's good to invest in a larger arsenal.

one other thing i've considered is to have a couple of spare cheapo GBs ready to loan/give to people who are interested in writing chipmusic but find it hard to obtain a GB.  i just think it'd be nice to do as a gesture of chip evangelism.

hey, swing up to vancouver if you've got some time.  for a ridiculously cheap fee you can bus up to here in three hours or less.  if no one's doing anything in seattle, we can set up some sort of makeshift streaming party.


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

tasty!  normally i would scoff all hipster-like at the cultural oversaturation of zombie-related things, but this is about as an appropriate time/place as any to release an album such as this.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

this is really impressive.  as an AS3 coder myself i'm glad this works pretty seamlessly!  was it pure AS3 or did you make use of Alchemy to maintain decent performance?

is there / will there be support for .IT formats, compressed or uncompressed?

lol balloon fight dub (i think)


well that was mad funsies.  thanks to everyone that had a hand in making the stream happen!

whos playing right now? japanese dude. loving it!


it's been flawless ever since bud melvin started playing.  sound quality is crisp and bassy, and the audience is coming through pretty nicely too.

don't know what you did but thanks for poking at it!

OH YEAH there's this:


there was some skipping/buffering issues during the first couple of sets but everything seems resolved now, bud melvin is playing and it's fantacular. 

HUGE thanks to dosPrompt, celsius and cTrix (and whoever else) for hooking us up with the audio stream!!

ant1 wrote:

maybe you'd like doing ansi art with acid-draw


that's why i'm asking smile.  a pixel art program that drives like an ANSI editor would totally make my day and i could get seriously cracking on some pixel art without resorting to my tablet and sucky penmanship.

ui: thanks for the suggestion.  i'll give it a try, though i think i have a very specific interface in mind -- maybe it's worth throwing together a flash or javascript app as a proof of concept.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i don't have any kids, but i like the idea of being a chipmusic dad in the same way that a mom can be a soccer mom.   

i can picture myself in the back of the venue cheering my nonexistent son on as he plays his set, and him muttering "god dammit, dad."