(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Here's an idea i had kicking around:  instead of having a "likes" system where songs could just rack up points in the form of likes, how about each user has along with their profile a list of 3-5 currently-recommended songs?  if the list is full, a newly-recommended song pushes the least-recently-recommended song off the list.

one might be able to see someone's recommendations easily, just be hovering over their username or something.

- an intuitive way of sorting through the cruft of new songs
- songs that are recommended by artists are more likely to get their fair listen.
- songs that appear too many times in too many peoples' recommendations list will experience a natural falloff in their popularity over time.
- if an artist has crappy recommendations in his list (either songs that are his/her own, or songs that just absolutely suck) then other users will naturally disregard those recommendations (at least until the artist picks better songs). 
- a natural incentive to hunt for good songs and recommend them
- a natural incentive to ALSO keep your list of recommendations fresh
- a natural incentive to ALSO keep your list of recommendations original from other artists' lists, by recommending otherwise unknown but deserving songs
- if you recommend good songs, it's also more likely that your own music will get listened to more often
- the transient nature of the recommendations list helps to discourage the "popularity contest" aspect of 8bc, as well as attempts to "game the system". 

- "recommendations" is a very clunky word, how about something with less syllables?

i'm sure there are probably some cons that i haven't thought of, but i have to head to work.  what does everybody else think?

(psst it's going on right now)


i'm just going to say it, the highlight of blip for me was just feeling that case, all over.

bump becauuuuuuse the party's happening exactly TWO hours from now!

EDIT 6/11: page changed to include info about Kickstarter

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jer … videogames

Ok, jeriaska posted up the kickstarter a couple of days ago! there's only 4 days left to donate!

BTW: you all should know that the Rokko Chan Chip Remix album has an amazing lineup of artists: 
DJ Master Kohta
AND MORE  (oh and myself =P)

The kickstarter gives you access to a whole ton of other music swag depending on your donation tier.  (i highly suggest getting the Rokko Chan CD albums!)

› original Listening Party text

Rokko Chan flash game:



this is going to rule. eindbaas crew knows how to party.

i'm now saying exactly this, except in past tense.

great party everyone!!!  you euros definitely know how to rock.  definitely encouraged me to try to go to europe and return the favour.

intense night!!!!  big thanks to luke for putting together the whole thing.  when the ceiling rains HUMAN SWEAT that probably means it was pretty good.

btw, starpause's visuals made me laugh (in a good OH GOD WHAT AM I SEEING kinda way). batsly's genesis visuals were totally rad.

i'm cool with 8, assuming we give ourselves an hour or so to eat + digest our meal.  people can trickle in so long as they know that the probability of getting and finishing your meal on time diminishes they later they are.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dinner sounds good.  count me in as well.

(maybe we could smuggle in some pizza from some other nearby place if the need is great smile


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

get in around 11 tonight, finishing up some errands this morning then to the airport...
expect to see me show up at barcade around midnight with three big bags of stuff and a need for a good beer and some quality rampage time

i might drop by barcade for a bit if i don't accidentally oversleep tonight.  my place is not too far of a walk from there.

Decktonic wrote:

I just had lunch with bryface. Highlight of blip for me.

It's all downhill from here.

p.s. we spent the whole time talking about how gameboys suck and DS10 is the future.

woah now don't put words in my mouth now son!  i got nothing but straight up straight love for teh GBz and all other platformz.  plenty of room for all of them this weekend.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

just arrived at my accommodations!  tired as hell but i can't sleep right away because apparently i can't check into my room until 2pm.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bit Shifter wrote:

Might be worth sticking your head into any of the numerous T-Mobile / AT&T shops to see what options may exist.

Yeah, that's pretty much plan A for me - just seeing if anybody had the inside scoop on more traveler-friendly solutions than the barely passable data roaming plans that my provider offers.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also, those of you who are NY residents are fully authorized to point and laugh at everyone else in this thread, at any time, for whatever reason.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i just thought it'd be useful to have a thread where those visiting NYC for blip (such as myself) can "check in" and self-organize hangouts around town and ask dumb questions about NY, all without polluting the other threads.

i'm sitting at the airport waiting for my redeye flight, and with any luck i'll be landing at 7am on the wednesday.  after making my way to my hostel, getting my bearings and probably sleeping for another few hours, i'm ready to rock.

btw, anybody have any recommendations for getting a phone/data plan, or straight-up phone rentals?

lots of talent.  no scene.

frankly i`m astonished that this thread has gone on for more than 2 pages.  c'mon guise