(127 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nitro2k01 wrote:

So much pain and misery in the world, right?

yeah it really does put things in perspective doesn't it?  k, gotta go toss some bunnies off a cliff.

nitro2k01 wrote:

You mean like the Ghanans? Like Emmanuel Tetteh or Prince De Gameboy?

woah those are actual people and not spambots?  Blipfest 2011 Ghana is going to be flippin' sweet!


(37 replies, posted in Releases)

bought! enjoyed!

i think my favourite tracks are pretty prariie and rodeo deal.  also glad Lovers is in the release.

and being a vancouverite, i automatically dig the tune of the same name.

btw thanks for justifying the release even further with all the cool bonus stuff!

kineticturtle wrote:
bryface wrote:

each of the 2 LSDJ songs i've done so far were completed within a 24-hour period, but that was only because i was using the demo version that wouldn't save.  hammer out tune, record, hit power off, blam data gone =/

Dude, that's when you pay the $2 to get the full version.

oh, that was just in the 48-hour period after i had downloaded the demo for the first time.  i did purchase it but never received a rom link, but i never followed up on it.. guess i should do that now.

an0va wrote:
gizmo wrote:

Yeah I always liked modem noises. Everyone I know cringes at them. I think they are weird.

You would love the intro to this song. They play modem startup, then mimic it on their instruments.


haha best intro ever.. that is a valiant recreation of the modem sound.


calmdownkidder wrote:
bryface wrote:

it pains me to see how gross some of those DMGs look.  agh!!

did you know that if you took all of the DMGs sold in the world, you'd have enough of them to feed twelve small countries of starving children?

Why would you feed children DMGs? You monster.

it's not a well known fact, but DMGs are so life-enriching that their inherent value, if needed, can extend far into nutritional realms as well!

they're like the lembas bread of consumer electronics

it pains me to see how gross some of those DMGs look.  agh!!

did you know that if you took all of the DMGs sold in the world, you'd have enough of them to feed twelve small countries of starving children?

Just wanted to say this is an excellent discussion, so much so that it's making me consider charging for my next album.

i grew up in the computer art scene making ansi's for BBSes along with other folks, all for free, for the love of the art.  but there were some ansi artists who charged for their work, like $5 or $10 for a logo or a 50-line picture.  some thought they were being pretentious about the value of their work, but i interpreted it as, "hey, i trust in my own abilities to make good art - that others can enjoy and use - enough that i can approach it from a professional perspective."

similarly, the chipmusic scene has thrived out of a love for the artform and its technical intracacies, and there's a valid fear that money would undermine the openness of the ecosystem.  but i think that as long as we take our craft seriously and have the right attitude, we shouldn't be afraid to attach a monetary value to the music if we truly feel that the value is commensurate with the amount of labour and skill involved.  i feel that it's as much a commitment for the artist to make this kind of monetary decision just as it it is a commitment for the listener to shell out bucks to purchase the music.  in fact, i find that this undercurrent of two-way trust and effort helps make the purchase itself that much more meaningful.

for example, in 4mat's case, i as a listener understand (unless i'm wrong) that he's not just a hobbyist who has released tons of free music in his tracker days of yore, but he's also a professional musician who actually does this for money and is counted on to do music work for clients.  And it's only recently that he's released his music in album format and charged money for it.  What changed?  was it the realization that the "hobbyist" music that is perhaps closer to the heart should have at least a similar monetary component to the music done at a day job?  especially considering all the extra effort taken to make the music fit for "album quality"?

I am purchasing the album with an appreciation for the hurdles any serious chipmusic artist has to overcome in legitimizing his music.  it means more to me because as an artist, i too know the frustrations inherent in finding a way to present my music in a way that says, "hey, i really tried to make sure the effort i put into this album reflects well on the monetary value i assigned to it", but also doesn't seem like i'm just asking for money.


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

among my favourites (tooo many to list):

zabutom - the odd connection
never fails to get me fired up.

nagz - may i own you

disasterpeace - death satellite evasion

xaimus - dendrite is flipping amazing

and any of cTrix's LSDJ work, pick any one

generally the less retro-sounding, the more exponentially long it takes to complete.

my impulse tracker tunes growing up took years sitting in the oven before i was satisfied with them.  i've got tons of unfinished .IT's still that might never see the light of day.

most of the DS-10 songs from my first album took between half a year to a whole year to settle down to a state fit for release.  my more recent batch is coming out a lot quicker though.

each of the 2 LSDJ songs i've done so far were completed within a 24-hour period, but that was only because i was using the demo version that wouldn't save.  hammer out tune, record, hit power off, blam data gone =/


(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my vote goes to Ubiktune's compilation album Up, by an artist who i think goes by the name of "Various Artists"


tons of super-progressive off-the-wall stylings by many internet-famous chipstars.   Maxo 01's tune is probably one of the craziest pieces i've heard in recent months.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

minusbaby wrote:

aww yeah tap dat ass

i'm pretty indifferent to whatever controversy 8bc has, or has had, or had has has had... it's an outlet to release my music like any other.  the more the better, and that's all that matters to me.

i will say though that 8bc always seems to have a nasty habit of exploding whenever i upload a new song.  outages, random slowness, etc.

i think what i'm saying is that it's probably all my fault

i think it sucks when i make the effort to make my music stand out as a composition in and of itself, trying to transcend the trappings of the platform in question..

.. and then people say "ohhh it totally sounds like it should be in a vidya game, you ever think of making music for vidya gamezszsz??"

oh yeah, didn't realize this thread was here.  yes please download!  the tracklist is practically a who's who of prominent DS-10 artists - and the album is a good example of what can really be done with the platform.

01 HarleyLikesMusic - "A Journey Through Space"
02 WarpToken - "Telescape"
03 ChrisLody - "Our Sun"
04 bryface - "Mercury"
05 Synthesia - "Venus"
06 ubey - "Our Moon"
07 motone - "Earth"
08 WMRhapsodies - "Mars"
09 bretik - "Phobos"
10 AudioArtist - "Orbit Decay"
11 Decktonic - "Asteroid Belt"
12 DJ Hollow Life - "Jupiters Wave of Destruction"
13 An Owl - "Saturn"
14 Puffins - "Far Away From View"
15 Mistyminds - "Haumea"
16 zini - "Stellar"
17 Kloudygirl - "Proxima Centari Hijinx Ratatat"
18 Ugo Capeto - "Milky Way"
19 Anthony Seeha - "Neptune"
20 ELEKID! - "Twilight Zone"
21 DS-10 Dominator - "The Stars"
22 Syscrusher - "Pulsar Navigator"



(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i make music because the revolutionist militiamen who are holding me at gunpoint right now demand it.  anyway gotta go fellas, i have to finish 6 patterns in the next 30 mins or get shot in the face.

one of my friends suggested that some of the tracks be previewable, so i went ahead and made a mini-site for the album where the tracks are playable off the page:


also, i'll be posting some videos of tracks on teh y3w t3wbz over the next several days.  Here's "warmth of the sun":