Apeshit wrote:Kuesa wrote:Thanks, however I have already switched the pins based on the DMG-07 layout, no multimeter necessary.
A multimeter would allow you to determine the PS/2 pinout.
You're right; the problem is that my current multimeter is broken 
catskull wrote:There's only like 4 wires right? I'd just hook them up random until it works. GND and PWR should be pretty easy to determine because the caps lock lights should turn on, right?
I ended up opening the DMG-04 and PS/2 housing(Holy shit the ps2 is like... cemented in, I had to carve my way into it) and matching the wires to eachother that way.
Maz'Hoot wrote:On site i saw that it couldn't work with dmg-04 because of the power. Only dmg-07 should work. Does it true? I cuted today also a dmg-04... I must stop it and buy a dmg-07?
The issue with the DMG-04 is that the pins inside the housing are in different locations. If you look at the cable, you'll notice that there are six pin slots, but only four of them are used. On the DMG-04, there is a pin used for Serial/Data Out, which is not used by the keyboard. On the DMG-07, there is no pin located where Serial/Data Out. Both the DMG-04 and the DMG-07 use 4 pins. I simply cut into and disassembled the housing, pulled the pin from Serial/Data out and placed it in the empty slot that is used for power.
I tested it, and it works. This is going to be used for a future project, and there will be a different thread for that. Thanks for your help everyone!