nice one, hope it goes well


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

of course i found my camera really quickly.

nice, what's that written on your wall!?
anyway... here's my new setup. speakers just came this morning big_smile

*edit; Donkey Kong energy drink is the most important item


(37 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nickmaynard wrote:
pixls wrote:

looks cool, i think it would be cool, if you could make a little side program to put your own chords in, and maybe have a way to switch between banks of chords or something

yeah, i'm definitely thinking about doing something like that eventually. i was thinking you could go around and highlight a button, then scroll through each note (C, C#, D, D#, etc) then specify what type of chord you want (major, minor, sus2, sus4, 7, etc). and then the program would save these choices to a preset. then a different button combination would allow you to scroll through a certain number of presets.

that being said, i have no idea how to do any of this yet. but i'm learning!

Also, this would be a neat way of learning chords


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

IAYD wrote:

All I know is is that I opted out of the "new" profile layout (I had a bunch of html stuff that I didn't want ruined) and a few months ago they just automatically switched me. lost all my code, too.

pretty sure facebook is gonna pull the same thing when 2011 starts

Same, I made a full on Div layout that looked like a giant gameboy, with the player in the screen and clickable buttons. then it all got scrapped hmm cheers myspace. Anyway, I guess it all comes down to content. your (alex iayd) facebook statuses are usually pretty funny

*edit IAYD, not IYAD, oops


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Famicomi wrote:

My recent experience with myspace is that, due to the lack of customization now, and the shitty HAVE TO HAVE layout they use, I myself don't even go on it. My bands myspace was getting something like 100-200 song plays a day, and now it gets maybe 15?

Facebook + RootMusic seems to be the best deal out there.

More people now than ever use facebook, RootMusic adds a tab to your band page, and gives you a link so that you can link directly to your rootmusic tab.

Ha, great! thumbs up for that tip big_smile it's what myspace should have become all along. … 8091127385 … 500wt_1156

you'd have to be a preeety preeety huge Beach fan to buy that. I think it was on french ebay in summer for just under $1000.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bleepshit wrote:
Sycamore Drive wrote:

Mine is much more compact than that. I got rid of the MySpace player in favour of Bandcamp players.

Nice, bandcamp player have less bug than the myspace one too, not a bad idea at all.

I noticed that, seems much more intuitive. The layout is good too because you get a big album cover to associate with the audio.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nickmaynard wrote:

ha, yeah it is a powerglove. i got one of those retrozone usb adapters for it and was using it as a midi controller briefly.

Fantastic, easier on paper than in practice?


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

godinpants wrote:

I got a stylophone, shit's shit.

lol I got that last year. I just learned Telstar on it to prove I liked it.

NEVARRRRR! oh wait, yes.... yes it did


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Oh and lastly, now myspace make you "collect badges" ha WTF? is this scouts?


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sycamore Drive wrote:

I think there is nothing to lose in keeping a myspace page with a player because lots of people still do search google for "bandname" "myspace" in order to hear a few tracks by someone, but for communication with fans, it's been dead for at very least a year.

I'd say, keep the myspace, but you really are better off with a proper website like the one you've got there. smile

True, I guess it doesn't hurt to keep a page and a player open on myspace.... just plaster links to the real site all over the place or sync it with twitter etc to limit the amount of time updating the myspace.

anyway, talking of websites.... chip coalition just sent me a absence email again... better head back over big_smile


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't really use myspace much, but i was wondering how traffic is for people that actually have lots of fans or friends? I mean, it's ugly as hell now (more than ever); even with adblock plus turned on it feels like times square. I've noticed a few people have shut down their myspaces now in favour of custom websites.

With this in mind I made up one for myself


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nickmaynard wrote:
stargazer wrote:

Show them the little one!

haha, here's a picture i just took.

four 1/8th inch inputs, two 1/4 inch outputs (one for Left and the other for Right). pretty basic but so useful.

Is that, no it can't be... a powerglove?


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

HAHAHAHA! brilliant!

herr_prof wrote:

at least it isnt square! you should put the desk alongside the short wall, and try to elminate the parallel surfaces with some wall treaments.. like books cases or whatnot... Should be decent!

Well box one is ticked there, i guess some absorbent foam is in order. Cheers prof! … stictiles/

maybe i'll coat my entire room, that'll take care of the 'other' problem too....
