Last year there was audio and visual streams of the majority of the sets (but with time differences you may find its at crazy times for you!)

Lazerbeat wrote:

The most dangerous thing about badgers is falling into one of their fucking collapsible badger holey trappy things.

mmm... maybe.

For anyone thinking about coming to Australia (or visiting Melbs from interstate) you will hopefully find
this document useful.

any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to help smile

PS - It doesn't have anything about how to deal with Australian native fauna wink


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Thank you. This made me laugh out loud and brought back memories of our cheese and cider trip. So good


(26 replies, posted in Releases)

Our next show is in late November. We've recieved some Comptroller CDs which we will be playing/selling on the night smile Anyone else- you still have time - get in touch

pixls wrote:

full of? lol
I've never seen a mountain lion except in a zoo, and the only snake i've ever seen in the wild was like a garter snake

well likewise, I dont think I've seen snakes in the wild either. Just cute things like roos and koalas and possums and echnidnas and wombats (all of which I have actually seen in the wild... some of them had been hit by cars though sad

We have cute animals too!

In all honesty - there is a very short window where you see these spiders coming into houses and stuff and you do NOT see them outside. That window will not be applicable in Feb.

Also, I'm a girl - man up already tongue

Aw, I'm going to scare everyone away from coming to Australia to see Blip.

Let me clarify - they are poisonous, but if they bite you it'll hurt but you wont die.
They're also big fraidy cats and stay in the garden usually so you'll never see them (unless its a wild and windy night like last night)

And I know because I made friends with that one - he told me

Hey ilKke... moving forward,  how about a series of deadly Australian animal soundbytes posters?

No word of a lie, just met this guy in the garage

Hes not poisonous though, and to me, looks small in the photo. Woo! Come to Australia guys!!

Or do it like a couple of weeks out or something as a teaser/publcity thing, hand out some flyers. I think its a fun idea though smile

Yeah you guys let me know when youre doing that too ok wink

If you want to sort this out Rob shoot me an email I have a list of the things that are already on the cards so that theres no double ups time wise smile

Also - laundrette chip battle? amazing

No kidding tongue

Since this is close now... is anyone other than most of the Aussies staying in Shinjuku?

Oh come on, Everyone knows that the Aussies are entertaining - at least he haven't broken out photoshop.... YET

It's the Blair Witch Project of nature films