(3 replies, posted in Releases)

killer track! anyone know what that TTS engine is?


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

two thumbs up! Favorite track: Futurism

e.s.c. wrote:

you can use a game boy camera either with the super game boy or the game cube game boy adapter and record the video output in real time

I have used my SGB before, but I was on a mission to shoot in the great outdoors.

Sorry, only mildly related... but I had this big idea for shooting a music video on GB Camera and realized it was going to be a huge amount of effort to work with so few frames at a time... So I gave up on using the hardware and got the Retroboy camera app for Android. It looks exactly the same and records longer videos without the fuss. If you're trying to do something similar, it might be a better way to go.

I showed this to my gf and she drunkenly dug her TI-83+ from storage at 3 AM because she was excited about me having another thing to chiptune with.
That's love, friends.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Haven't finished it yet but you just explained some things to me that I wish I knew years ago... That dang sweep command has always been confusing to me.

Does the sweep value wrap? i.e. if I start at FF and use S02, what value would that be?

I don't like how much I overthink how to make it a good performance. When I use Live Mode, it feels more interactive but all people see is a dude starting at a screen. It would help if more people had some idea what I was doing, but I'm not really in the right place for that.

I've been trying to figure out how to integrate more performance elements into my sound for a while but I'm kind of stuck with a very Spartan approach due to lack of funds and community.

I busk outside of SLC ComicCon with my DMG and a portable amp every year, and I'm surprised at how often people think I'm just playing game audio over a speaker for no reason. But if I picked a different instrument and played over the top of song mode, how's that any different than just plugging my phone in and playing over an mp3? I overthink this stuff a bit much.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:

This is sort of interesting to me. I have absolutely no clear organizational rules. I don't name instruments. Literally the only thing that is consistent for me is 7F is my blank chain, four phrases long with a K command in it, and 7E is the same, but two phrases long. Everything else is random.

I can see how organization might help some people, but I personally like starting from scratch every time and just letting the track grow in its own weird way.

I know... I've pored over your .sav file for Tidal Bout to try to learn from you big_smile . Love that album.

I'm finding that I'm already deviating from the standard in some ways but it has been helpful in general for keeping things straight.

would be perfect for a game. I like the addtion of the soft strings at the end


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

heh, I just looked at that dataport link and they just had Conquer Monster out there. They're currently the most prominent chiptune from Utah... that's not too hard because I'm pretty sure there's only 5 of us here. (not to discount CM, those guys are awesome)

I was going to make a similar thread for Utah but I think I already know the answer... there's me, Conquer Monster, Volt44, BABYALIVE!, OK Ikumi... that's about it as far as I know.


(148 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Calavera wrote:
Parsenyo wrote:

I will choose punk clothes style.

You probably should choose to dress like a necromancer, considering what you just did to this ancient cringe-thread smile


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was in school for music, mostly playing keyboard and guitar and composing in Reason when I biffed it going about 30mph on my longboard. Broke my shoulder blade and collar bone. Couldn't play guitar, keys, couldn't use my computer...

I had heard of Nanoloop and some chiptune before that and had done some fakebit in Reason, so I dug out my old DMG, ordered a flash cart, bought LSDJ, and got to it. I found that I liked the deliberate approach to making music, especially when I was trying to integrate a lot of the new ideas I was learning in theory. I've since healed up and can play the other things, but LSDJ took over as my #1 DAW. I use public transit to get everywhere so it's still a part of my everyday routine.

Either 'Refresh' by Trey Frey or 'Cydonian Sky' by Dubmood


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lately, lots of Risk of Rain soundtrack by Chris Christodoulou


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hi, new here but I've been writing on LSDJ for ~4 years now.

I use live mode most of the time, and after setting up a bunch of songs randomly I found that I had to go back and relearn how I performed a song way too often.

I decided to try to standardize how I'm using chains, phrases, instruments and tables in order to make everything easier and consistent for me.
I set up this spreadsheet for myself, I wanted to share that

also asking you go about organizing and keeping track of your parts in LSDJ
and on using live mode. I usually tend to break everything into 4-bar patterns and use some 1 or 2-bar patterns for transitions