(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I did my part yesterday: https://youtu.be/QORzTGd875k

Unfortunately, even though I spent like a week making the video. It looks like it's going to be one of my worst performers. I guess it's back to 3D printing for me.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Analog wrote:

Teensyduino is the way to go in my opinion (teensy is MIDI ready). I use HIDUINO to make Midi controlers but in this case you got to change the code and the schematic for the arduinoboy. Doesn't look that difficult. Actually (wild guessing) you can upload the teensy sketch file on a UNO and change the bootloader to HIDUINO and it should work -don't quote me on this-. (You gotta check the in/outs since they are similar boards but not identical).

Cheap arduino clones don't always have the pins for the dfu programming. (that is, the easiest way to program the bootloader for "out of the box" MIDI). Check that before you buy it.

You can enter in dfu mode to change the bootloader for use hiduino. (I know by experience that uno board works great!)

I guess that you can figure out which parts of the circuits you won't need anymore.

This is helpful. Thank you.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

e.s.c. wrote:

yeah, just keep in mind that your time is worth money too.. and time spent is non-refundable

This is a hobby, Man! In this case time=/=money. None of us would be here if Trash80 hadn't put in the time.

Anwyay, I think it's a moot point. Your way would work, but I don't think a DUE will. From what I just read a few minutes ago:

"The Arduino Due has two USB ports available. The Native USB port (which supports CDC serial communication using the SerialUSB object) is connected directly to the SAM3X MCU. The other USB port is the Programming port. It is connected to an ATMEL 16U2 which acts as a USB-to-Serial converter."

I don't think I will be able to use HIDUINO code to get both USB ports Sending/Receiving MIDI signals as the

"HIDUINO takes advantage of Arduino boards where a second AVR chip is used as the USB controller, so it won't work with single chip variants (e.g. Leonardo), nor older boards that use an FTDI chip as USB controller (e.g. Duemilanove). Many cheap Arduino knockoffs that pretend to be an Uno or Mega also might not work, since they tend to use the (slighly) cheaper FTDI chips."

Maybe there is another way to get the two USB ports working with MIDI on a DUE, but I don't see a clear path.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

e.s.c. wrote:

there is this, should work on a pi zero, a powered usb hub and the nl midi adapter for a pretty low total cost
http://sandsoftwaresound.net/send-midi- … -to-5-pin/

That would work. But...

NL MIDI Adapter = $15.60 (plus shipping)
Raspberry Pi Zero = $5.00 (plus shipping)
Powered USB Hub with Power Supply = $7.39

Total $27.90 (plus shipping)

Arduino DUE with USB Cable with free shipping = $13.84

Theoretically, if I can get the DUE to work, all it would need is some coding. It's cheaper, self contained, and I should be able to power it from the Gameboy. Of course, I'm not sure I can get both USB ports to work for USB-Through on the DUE.


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

catskull wrote:
punamenon2 wrote:

Both. I want a device that allows me to connect my DMG to any other MIDI device.

If you want both, then don't you need a female USB type A socket on there?

USB is USB.  It's just the shape of the jack that changes. It's easy enough to get adapters to switch between USB A, B, and Micro. Or I can just splice one type of cable to another as needed.


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

catskull wrote:

Do you want to be able to plug in a USB MIDI device into your arduinoboy? Or you just want to be able to plug the arduinoboy into your computer and have it show up as a midi device?

Both. I want a device that allows me to connect my DMG to any other MIDI device.


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

herr_prof wrote:

i think you are making it too complicated. If the due works for usb host and midi what would you need the above for?

In other words what all are you trying to connect?

What I'm trying to achieve: A single Arduinoboy type device with MIDI Through USB, and also MIDI In/Out/Through 5 pin jacks. All for under $25 cost.

The reason I'm starting with the UNO is because I'm almost certain I can get it to work by combining the Hiduino project with Trash80s Arduinoboy or Teensyboy code. Then it's as simple as putting a Shieldboy on top of that. The only thing I'm missing is MIDI through on the USB. For that I will need to use an Arduino DUE because it has the two USB ports on the board. If I can get MIDI to run on the DUE, I will then need to make a custom Shieldboy. as it has a different footprint than the UNO. In other words, the UNO is the low hanging fruit, and anything I learn doing that should help me accomplish the DUE.

Wish me luck.


(36 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Let me revive this thread. Someone linked to it in another post, and I realized that I had recently seen a solution:

Anyone trying this can go with the original proposed solution of using a regular Arduinoboy, and then get the MIDI to USB adapter to work by hacking it like this:

http://makezine.com/2010/09/10/send-mid … for-cheap/

My goal is to get the Arduino UNO to act as a MIDI USB device simply through the programming, no extra hardware needed. Once I've solved that, I'm going to attempt to get an Arduino DUE to do the same thing, only since it has two USB ports, I'm hoping I can get it to do MIDI-through, instead of just MIDI-in.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Catskull, If I figure out how to get MIDI USB working on an UNO board, I certainly plan on buying a few of your Shieldboy kits so that I can have the option of MIDI ports, or USB. That being said, Arduino UNOs with the necessary AVR chip for USB MIDI are currently going for $7.68 on eBay. If I could get that to work as a USB MIDI DMG hub, there is nothing that could come close to it for the money. The problem is that I am an intermediate Arduino programmer at best. I'm not sure I can accomplish blending HIDUINO with Trash80's Arduinoboy code.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm trying to come up with the least expensive way possible of connecting a DMG to a MIDI device. Most cheap modern MIDI keyboards don't have MIDI plugs, and Laptops certainly don't, so I need to use a USB cable. Of course, the Teensyboy does this, but an Arduino Teensy is $20 at Adafruit, while Arduino Pro-Micros, and UNO clones are readily available for less than $10 (as low as $3!) on eBay, and both of those have native USB. Even an Arduino DUE is less expensive than a Teensy, and it is a far better board with 2 USB ports. 

1) Can I wire up any Arduino with Native USB support the way I would wire a Teensyboy, and then run the Arduinoboy.ino sketch on it and have a functional USB MIDI Adapter for a DMG? Which model would be best?

2) Would it be possible to run an UNO with a Shieldboy on top thus giving me the option of MIDI jacks or USB?

3) The Arduino Due has 2 USB ports. Can I use this Arduino and achieve MIDI through?