(617 replies, posted in Releases)

using LSDJ for my mixtaPE

listening to the album, fantastic work guys, might buy the digital later ;D

Shifty Pixlz wrote:

Got an Android phone and an EMS cart?
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … emsflasher (shameless self promotion!)

No I do not, very sadly :b

hi i make music

I just use an aux cord and audacity. Use the amplify feature for leveling. Also make sure you don't record with the volume all the way up, as the amplify effect will fix the volume. Like that raw sound. :^)


(0 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

This isn't strictly chiptune related, but are any of you aware of the free online DAW audiotool? If not go to audiotool.com and check out some of the stuff people make on there. Most of it's very impressive, especially for a free online DAW. Some other stuff is just cringey twelve year olds using samples. Check it out if you've used any DAW, and mess around with the synths. It''s fun to build an advanced synth and put a crusher on it to make some nice fakebit style sounds.

It's also really great because it's all cloud based, so you never have to worry about losing a project (unless you accidentally delete it).

As much as I love working with LSDJ, I really don't like the need for a computer to back up your savs. I know, this seems ridiculous, but in my current situation, I do not have access to a 32 bit OS install the tool onto, nor the computer of my own to do as I please with. I'm aware that there is a way to get around the need of a 32 it OS, but once again I have no computer to call my own.

Besides this, I love everything about chiptune and of the community, the constant creativity you'll find is overwhelming, just how much talent the community has.

I think we can all agree that the reactions people have to the music or how we make the music are always worth it


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is all really nice hardware yikes

But I have no money so r.i.p.


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This is all really nice hardware yikes

But I have no money so r.i.p.