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@arottenbit: if there's a question, just ask me... i won't make a complete translation. i did the documentation in german, because i stumbled over that forum first before i discovered and the people there were very nice and helpful and there was no other german documentation before as far as i know. building the interface is not that difficult, if you get a little bit into the subject... check this: . most difficult thing for me was finding the right cable. low-gain did a good explanation here . there is a samsung E810 and E720 cellphone cable, that you'll get at ebay and can use for building the cable. programming the PIC is difficult, if you don't own the tools for that. i asked in the and someone offered to do that for me for free..... so just ask around in electronic forums or somewhere near your place..... there must be some computershop or whatever, that can burn the PIC for you. you also get it here . anything else can be done by yourself, if you follow the firestARTer-schematic exactly: . it's also recommended to add a 100nF capacitor to the PICs voltage supply (between points 5 and 14 in the schematic). that's it. it's really easy. just try it. i payed about 12 euro (about 15US$?) or maybe less, don't know all prices anymore, for all material needed for the interface incl. the case etc.
@kitsch: yes, i appreciate a lot, that you offer such a kit. i was close to ordering it. i just didn't do so, because all in all incl. international shipping it was a lot cheaper for me to do it 100% DIY... and i wanted to get deeper into soldering anyway. so i prefered to spend the money on a new soldering iron and tools etc. ...
hi, i did a how-to-solder-guide for the firestARTer-GP2X-midi-interface:
as i learned soldering myself through this project, this is really a beginners guide for those, who have never soldered before, but need midi on their GP2X... sorry, that it's in german language only... but i think it's still understandable, if you follow all the links there. and there are english descriptions somewhere, i bet. you can also send me an e-mail, if there's a question...
yeah, looks way better now. great! 
i am using a WELLER WHS-40 (costs about 60 euros)... and it's all i need. i can recommend that one. i had a cheap 15-euro-station before, but that just stopped working somehow after a year and when trying the weller after that, the soldering feeling was like on a new level.
it heats better and faster and more constant than a cheap station does. plus having temperature control is important, but e.g. features like a digital display (as the WHS-40D has) a not really needed... and the solderiron is not fixed to the station, so it can be easily replaced. cheap stations often have it mounted to the station so that the whole thing goes defect and not just one part of it. beside that bonus the weller seems to last longer, too.

@bleo: yeah, maybe that name was chosen too fast
... i just did a three hour train trip with dingooing lpgt all the way. great! 
@herr_prof: i'm using gmenu2x (
ted-dingux ). that works great to set the default volume... it really was, that i didn't know, that the X/Y work as volume control when lpgt is running. one has to push the buttons several times until a volume change is hearable and there is no display for that function, so it's kind of hidden.
@theta_frost: does pandora work with a standard usb-midi-interface like this one
B000XRI3CC ? that'll be great. i'm still working on soldering one for the gp2x...
@ analog: thanx a lot man! that was it! i didn't know that there is X and Y for volume
... i thought using the internal lpgt-volume is the only way.... great, now i can use it mobile
... because of its battery the dingoo is much better for mobile use than the GP2X, i think.
is the volume on your dingoo as low as on mine, when using lpgt? i really only can use it, when plugging it to a mixer to amplify it, but mobile use is like hearing nothing
... more volume power would be a great fix
Posts found: 7 / Forums / Posts by gp2xkid