
(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I just realized this thread should go in the BUGS section
I got the Timeout errors on Safari.



(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fucking shit.
Also, funny choice of screen resolution for text hmm


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I get this "Your request timed out" shit. If I stay writing a reply here, after a certain time this happens. It's very annoying.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like what I have discovered in this thread. Thanks for all the info smile


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am getting this a lot too.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Analog wrote:

those new themes look cool. Why all this social networking sites have such a shitty design sad?

Virb will not be a social network anymore. That's what this change is about.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It doesn't even say the name of the computer.
Does it have a name?

It's based on the 8080 yet not PC-compatible, it's very interesting. Probably has a beeper-type sound. Useless or pointless to get one for music or anything at all, but interesting architecture-wise nonetheless.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

From the VIRB email I received:


New Vision, New Direction
If you haven’t checked out Virb in a while, it’s possible you haven’t heard the news: Virb is about to change in a very BIG way. This isn't just a fresh coat of paint, it's a departure from free social profiles — a necessary & exciting change to our business.

Our new mission is laser-focused: Virb will be one of the easiest and most affordable ways to build an elegantly simple website. There you have it.

So your profile will disappear and they will ask you to pay to maintain it as a website or something. It's not like we paid much attention to Virb, but well, one less to worry about.

On launch day, your Virb account will be upgraded to the new awesomeness. All your previously uploaded content and media will transition seamlessly. You'll get a month to give our website building tools a proper tire kicking — for FREE. Afterwards, you can continue using Virb at a super discounted rate: $5/month for you, $10/month for everyone else. We think you're going to love it.

Sneak a Peek

Time to DELETE YOUR VIRB (Heosphoros style).

I will delete any and all content I have there in case something nastier could happen to it.

The URL is chopped. Don't put it in teh subject, please paste it in your message's body.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey Rez, what do you think of this?


(19 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Oh, just when I got another sampler! sad


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Does it include music from people we should report to?
They shouldn't be selling XMs


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

Share some RG


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

*pointless to continue*


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's so wrong in too many levels! Hahaha!