Now it is forbidden to talk about this on forums?
Come on people, you have to be the most extremist bunch ever xD

The other ocassion was a person basically asking people to for a lineup and whatnot. This is different.

I think it would be helpful to those interested in bookings or playing to have a list of those that will be around Memorial Day in NY.


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If you change your mind and decide to split the pack, I am up for that MSSIAH.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

Sabrepulse wrote:

Secondly, getting your travel paid for is not getting paid to play

I totally agree with that, in case you didn't notice, but getting your full travel expense paid (specially from abroad) is a much, much better deal than what I fathom most people got here (specially those US bound).

If your ticket did not get cancelled get some gigs in USA.If it did I bet it's not an issue to get more gigs in your town. I don't think this poses much of  problem for you.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

cTrix wrote:

Lol ++ !!   I know you are only joking, but reality check here in case anyone forgot.

No, man, this is fruitless. It's not that anyone forgot. The "scene" mentioned so much here is the game boy-centric activity generated in the 2ks. What's a Komador? Floppy what? tongue wink . Unfortunately what we refer to is pretty much ignored outside of the demoscene enthusiasm. sad

Sabrepulse wrote:

I am so disappointed in all of this. Roger paid for my plane ticket outright so from my perspective I had no reason to assume there wasn't an event.[...]I've booked time off work that can't be cancelled, and turned down two gig offers over the period that I would be away (loss of earnings!)

You sound very negative for someone that just got a free vacation to New York and the only person on this event getting paid to play (and even got effectively paid already!). You should get some shows, nothing stops you from doing that if you want at least some of the profit you could have gained while staying! Bravo to you for getting a proper deal.
For the rest I assume this could be a good learning experience on how to deal with bookings. If there are any risks involved, WHY would YOU take them? That's the booker's responsibility, not yours.

I believe whoever is stuck going there can get something done.

As to the organization, if there truly was so much love for "the scene", you would knock up an event regardless. Venue canceled? Get a new one. Expectations were too high? Oh boy yes, so cut down and make a smaller event. In NYC even a 400 people event would be a hit. Need money? Most artists are (sadly) paying or already paid their expenses to go there, so there shouldn't be much needed.

There are a million things to learn here so I guess this event could indeed help teh activity grow, by learning from mistakes.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

celsius wrote:

Well... no. There was never an amazing event. People keep talking about this as if it was sure fire. The level of commitment displayed was non existant. [...]
They booked and promoted an unrealistic gig that was never going to happen and now they are trying to blame it on the scene. Poor form. They deserve all the flames that can be fanned IMO.

Celsius is heaps wise.

By the way:

4 /kɒn/  Spelled [kon]  IPA adjective, verb,conned, con·ning, nounInformal.
1. involving abuse of confidence: a con trick.

–verb (used with object)
2. to swindle; trick: That crook conned me out of all my savings.
3. to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc.

4. a confidence game or swindle.
5. a lie, exaggeration, or glib self-serving talk: He had a dozen different cons for getting out of paying traffic tickets

Funny, isn't it? big_smile


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nue wrote:

BR1GHT PR1MATE: Most of the overseas artists, i thought were getting travel money,

Thought wrong.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)


This is just reminiscent of Pay-to-Play promoters.

uuhh.... no. this isn't remotely pay to play. where do you even get that from?

How is it not?


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dauragon wrote:

No but seriously not a lot has changed.

True, people are still using game boys for making music


I'm a sad, old, forgotten preacher wink

Big ups on the demoscene exposure. Some history needs to be told specially on US shores that were apart from it (being mainly an european activity).

8static ftw!


(72 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:

I see you're still an attention whore.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

DaPantz wrote:

That's exactly my point: it shouldn't be that way.

Well I've seen you in this position before, so... wink


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

DaPantz wrote:

Every single event, whether Pulsewave, Blip, some random show in Brooklyn or Minneapolis,'s all subject to the same criticism anything else is.

And every time I've seen people part of the organization trying to shut down the criticism, many times with nasty remarks.

Let's never forget.

People will never be happy about everything, there's a load of butt hurting in this thread inspiring some unfounded criticisms, but before pointing a finger to how the organizaton takes the criticism (in this and many cases, more like envy instead of real criticism), you should have a look at your own history, and remember. We are all human and some (like me) very hot tempered!

Maybe people who want to enjoy this event can continue chatting in the thread peacefully.


(250 replies, posted in Past Events)

low-gain wrote:

no one having the balls to cut them off...

I bet that's a side effect of them experiencing the 8GB RAGE when he gets cut off tongue (but not for overplaying, rather for delays before me).

You don't want to see me angry! hahhahaha


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's really cool, thanks!
Unfortunately I have Ableton Live 6 sad But some time I will upgrade I think.