
(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Maybe I'll just ask him to arrange an interview for TCTD. What do you think? We gonna have a bunch this year smile


(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I can say no to those poor wannabes.
The 80s are over man. Now it's all about the 90s.


(1 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

What about [size]? Sometimes I want to make a little note with (even smaller big_smile) text.


 code works. loves it!


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

ant1 wrote:

Mano: AHX, Future Composer.

AHX will not run on a stock A600. it needs Kickstart 3.0+. You need to softkick* the machine to 3.0, which means at least 2MB of Chip RAM are needed. You also need Workbench 3.0, unless you wanna mess real hard with scripts and many versions of rereqtools.library and other things lying around your hard drive and being shit to you.

Future Composer doesn't like anything but Kickstart 1.3, so again, you have to softkick* to 1.3 (1.5Mb RAM minimum or it will crash the system). Annoying again.

You could use Protracker, Octamed, Digital Sound Studio from GVP, and maybe other synth trackers that I haven't tried.

trashcanman: I dunno about SDI source, I'll have a look. About Amiga software with sync, I think Star Trekker is the ONLY other one that has it besides Octamed.

* Softkick: the process where an Amiga's Kickstart (its ROM, BIOS, whatchamacallit) is changed by software to a different one, usually older for backwards compatibility, some times newer for newer features

It works great here on both my Firefox-powered netbook and my Safari driven Mac.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fuck, he played this at Blip, I was surprised, it's possibly one of my favourite tunes ever. I want to know how it's called too.
As far as I know, it was never released. I'll ask the Rabbit himself all the data and post it here.

It looks fine on my netbook, to be honest


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

I won't lick your ass more than what I did in the TCTD comments, EvilWezil smile

Natty wrote:

When are the nominees announced?

Progressively, liek last year, in 1.5 weeks or less


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't think you can get anything deep sounding in there. At the most, you can get a crunchy one.


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

tRasH cAn maN wrote:

But seriously. Ever notice that there isn't a single tracker out there for the c64 that supports syncing in any way?

And the Amiga ones that do are not of my liking. I want sync in for AHX.

If you had a bit of idea around C64 programming, I think MIDI syncing could be easy to do. Just implment SIN sync nd get a MIDI to DIN sync converter cable. I gues it would be easy to hack an existing tracker to listen to clicks coming from the user port instead of using CIA or similar timing.

But all the programmers of these trackers tink of us as "lowly" users not worth listening to tongue

Try using the white background template, will probably make reading easier for your goggle-face wink


(52 replies, posted in Audio Production)

You should send it to Glomag.
I have limited experience, but I could try if you want to hear a difference.


(0 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

To separate paragraphs, I put an empty line between them.

Like this.

Now, I see it properly in my Mac running Safari, but in my PC netbook running Firefox, the empty lines are gone.


(52 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I don't agree, specially putting mix/master like if they were the same.
There's a way I want tracks to sound, so definitely it is me who has to make the final mix. Nobody else will do it the way I like it. But yes, when the final mix is down, off it goes to the mastering black mage tongue

I've had experiences with people mixing my shit up and it was disastrous. Mastering is different.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I guess I haven't visited in a while. I remember getting a bunch of "exotic" mods from your site, before I found about eXotica. This was aaaaaaaaaaages ago!