I HAVE a USB/IDE adapter. You know what? Every time I connect the conmpactflash to another machine using this, IT DOESN'T WANT TO BOOT ON THE LIBRETTO, throwing a Disk I/O error or "invalid system disk". Unless I mount it in a virtual machine.

Can ANYBODY tell me why this shit happens? I would like to install win98 to forget about this, extracting the CF card from it means to dismantle the whole fucking computer each time and putting it back together (Hard drives are so 1993).

I been pulling my hair out trying to configure my Toshiba Libretto 50CT to run useful stuff. It was specially hard to find some of the old DOS software necessary to get it to work.

I thought it would be a cool idea if, in this thread, we can post resources to get our old DOS PCs running, ready for tracking.

I'll start adding these files:

DOS4GW - Took longer to find than I expected, scene.org saved the day.
DOS Boot Disk - If you have a floppy drive and want to use it, go here.
MOUSE driver for DOS - Bootdisk saves the day again.
OPL3-SA driver/utilities for DOS - I am yet to find this. It has useful stuff like a mixer. If anybody knows where to get it, pass the link.

TRACKERS - Maz has most you will want for DOS, including Impulse Tracker, Fast Tracker 2 and Ad Lib Tracker.
Open Cubic Player - Fantastic MOD player, loads man, many formats.

Keep addin' !
I'd like to read about optimal PC configurations. I forgot all about how to use the memory management, what the hell is XMS, EMS, etc.

Also: anybody knows if there are PCMCIA drivers for DOS for a generic multicard reader?? This is the ONLY thing that is making me want to install Win98.

I am having millions of problems with my Libretto.
I can, as of now, only run DOS 6.22 in it or FreeDOS. Trying to install Windows renders teh hard drive non functional FOR NO APARENT REASON. The drive is there and it has data and I can boot it from a virtual machine but the libretto says " DISK I/O ERROR"  or some such shit.

I also found out that after putting the drive in my otehr PC, whenever I modify the boot partition, it will not be bootable anymore on the Toshiba. Unless I use a VM running off the very drive.

It's driving me nuts. I want Win98 to be able to use my SD card reader, I can get it to boot and all in teh vrtual machien FROM the drive, but the Libretto refuses to recognize it as a boot device.

Analog, halp!

Pulselooper: Yep, it is MUCH EASIER to install an Amiga system than a PC DOS system tongue


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm pretty sure he did it.


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I suppose you mean Prosound. Herbert Weixelbaum did, and very detailedly so.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice mixtape my friend!


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a Rapman and a (Yamaha tongue) PSS 130. LEt me know if you want them.

Holy shit.


(119 replies, posted in Past Events)

bleo wrote:
egr wrote:


Any clips of overthruster yet?

overthruster played and left before most people got there so there is no footage at all.



(119 replies, posted in Past Events)

bleo wrote:
egr wrote:


Any clips of overthruster yet?

overthruster played and left before most people got there so there is no footage at all.


goto80 wrote:

Each song is a new file. Just turn on maximum delay, load the new song, and press play again. smile

Knew it big_smile


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This reader does NOT like the Game Boy Camera. Trying to read the data of your GB Camera with this will result in you losing all pictures.

Boy am I the best sales person ever or what? tongue

Some really neat stuff within!!!!!

(Funny, LOLLAND. xD)

By the way, is this just one DEFMON project or do you load several while performing?


(13 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Shipping costs depend on the method. I recommend EMS shipping which is ultra secure and fast (arrives in 2 to 5 working days), but other types of mailing are available for the daring.

Registered air mail: around 24 euros
Trackable registered air mail: around 48 euros
Express: around 52 euros
EMS package: around 29 euros (< this is my recommendation usually but is restricted in size and weigh so sometimes i gotta do Express Packet instead. I think this one can be shipped EMS simply.)

North America would be a bit less.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

That cart betta be GOOD! That kickstarter is incredible.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There were things like this before, for example those 2xSAI engines in emulators. They smooth up the pixels and give similar results in real time. Not as smooth, but pretty close.

If this algorithm works in real time it might be good for HD upscaling of old games. Will make them look really cartoony.