Multiple layers of awesomeness. I am pretty sure I will try this on some liveset in the future.
Sorry about the crappy quality. Also seems Youtube has added some nice little delay to the video. The response is actually awesome, better than WinUAE some times. I hear no delay on the audio at all.
The Caanoo's shaping up to be real nice, I am glad I decided to buy it.
Sounds kind of like the Electribe ER-1. Nice! Shame about it only having 8 sequencer steps, but I guess this is a compromise to take if you wanted to make it super small. it must be around teh size of the MFB-503, right? But the MFB doesn't have such a nice step sequencer
Jesus, so it's more powerful than I thought. Gonna try it this weekend.
Yup, the UAE4ALL was a fast port and has not been officially released yet, but as long as there is no disk activitygoing on, Protracker runs awesome (there is no disk activity while protracker runs unless you are loading a file so it is perfect)
The Caanoo is more powerful than the PSP, however, the commercial games available for the PSP are cool. I surely do miss my PSP, I will by one back at some point. Also it has a bigger emulator base than the Caanoo, but the Caanoo is starting to gather momentum, it emulates the Amiga almost perfectly, at least, I can use Protracker with it
You probably did not follow the recommended parameters to create samples for LSDJ. You have to crank the volume the fuck up, even if it clips. Experiment and you will get to it.
This is a cool idea because you could do phase shifting You just won't have any sort of dynamics, though.