double post

Hi welcome to 2022
I may be really late but I would love to test M0k1 and M4G tracker...

Could you please share it with me
Thank you

The Laohu wrote:
4ormal wrote:

Can anyone post or PM me the mo-k1.gba file?  I'm kinda late to the game and just learning about MOUKI.

Thanks smile


catskull wrote:
Analylogiq wrote:

gba midi synth is great but you need to touch the thing to get fully pleased

I actually think this is not true? GBA Midi synth just boots up and as far as I'm aware all parameters are assignable with CC's.

you are right, there are CC everywhere . excepted the sequencer (we don't care in this case)and the midi channel settings  (set it once and it will be remembered)  and the audio sample rate(never played with it)

So yeah you just have to turn it on and play.

my point was more about touching the gba sweet plastic(blah blah)

Blake, Just get one it sounds awesome!

after a few years tweaking game boys
the only thing I have learned is that:
    "they sound better when you give them love"

you took the mGb easy way with Catskull'gear

you just have to press a key to make the sound works , as a bliss to the plastic.

It took me some readings here before I could get a mGb working with all save slots working

hope you will soon come here to read about backlights and sound and stuff
You are entering a big pocket sized world

About Nanoloop witch one did you get? normally just a start on boot is enough

gba midi synth is great but you need to touch the thing to get fully pleased

Dumbug (UK) wrote:

have been through all the manuals and compare just seems some slight differences with S n N channel and curious if theirs any little oddities hidden in there i know in 1.2 holding A up or down on the BPM setting plays the sequencer randomly and im intrigued by the history of nanoloop itself hoping Oliver has some input at some-point

thanks for the random trick !!

I"m getting curious too about Nanoloop history . Must find the way to the good museum.
each ones have their taste the latter the better but I've got 1.2 (new battery today) an 1.3 and I love their taste.

So 0.8????  let's chase it


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

first game I coul dever finish
nice journey in this rockin' town
interesting to see how gbstudio is rendering
tested smoothly on my gbc

what's happening the game is done but the tune is still ringing in my brain


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

AcrylicKid wrote:

rOooo That's an awesome idea!

All the hugs to Mr hotlinksky tho cus he's the only coder on this project

you'r right
but I wanted to be more worldwide
that's because I'm discovering what coding is and all the brainf**k implied

But yeah Big thanks Johan
I'll be using LSDJ more now   wink


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Let's patch this new lsdj with loads of samples!!!

To all the coders , Big hug


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I did saw your idea , few weeks ago
As I'm unable to produce alone, we did a Nanoloop live session with a friend!
One NL 1.3 and a NL mono    well ther's a diy lofi delay somewhere

You can check it out here if someone have time to kill.... … er-than-1m

Stay safe


if you like this you can use something or ask me for the mp3 or ask mi to modify one

well...if u like


well yes you can sample on the fly but you have to travel into the menus and if you want a sample to loop it's a pain to have a good starting point....
the mic seems to cut the internal sound
but i think you can speak onto ext sound playing watchout for feeeedback

but yeah the manual is a good starting point before a purchase


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've done it with two pots and a light resistor
one pot with an interrupt to switch between normal or vari clock
second pot for fine tuning
plus a light resistor enterlaced in a switch to turn on light theremin mode

all this is fitting on the right side of the batteries when you face the gb

find small pots
taaake your time
and fit them anywhere you can


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Nice clean
et entrainant

I like it and I want more!!


more ouest coast  here

catskull wrote:

You need to send midi on channel 16 for keyboard mode.

THat is what I had missed


(3 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

you'll have to set a Master and then split the signal

well the monotribe should have sync in and out....

so nl2 into monotribe
and monotribe to mono

for example

I do use this to split my signal thx low gain … 419956111/

looks like you'r doing great....

when you highlight a file before transfert try to highlight a bank number to save all the bank....