(136 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

a playback/render switch in the master screen would be nice to expedite this. make a new render folder for resamplings etc

at a certain point i thought i was listening to some tracks from hvsc.
more compos, this was a lot more fun than i anticipated !

it's been rough and challenging. I like how the master volume drastically changes the sound though.

  • Listen

  • laugh and cry and drink some matcha

  • heart

"firedrill" wrote:

can u do it >__>
just say
'hey its that guy'


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

or you could go here http://www.datafruits.fm/chatroom
then type in /j #chipmusic
/me wins award for fastest dead-chat-room-inspection


(21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Has any one figured out the multi-bank system? I get this plug-in for the most part but I'd like to use a whole drum kit. halp??


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Awesome heart


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

seems cool, but real annoying there's no documentation in the repo

here's to hoping the rm1x is still available by next week

I finally get to see Dauragon perform, scratch that off the bucket it list. Looks sick!

herr_prof wrote:

this sounds pretty rad at the 10 min mark

thats insane! there's always that rare exception of someone knowing exactly what they're doing.

Here's me (with omnichord) and Cheap Dinosaurs

Circuit-bending an omnichord has been a bit of a forbidden curiousity to me. They sound beautiful as is, and there's plenty that can be done with post-fx. If anyone has some good evidence of a bent-omni, pleeeease let me see.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)


yall bunch of dead-threads


(148 replies, posted in General Discussion)

calmdownkidder wrote:

Obsession: by Jellica Klein

Couldn't you just write a script to upload all of these?