(1 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This revision is fairly well known, and is also a fairly well known construction technique. Each epoxy blob contains a chip die bonded directly to the PCB. A popular cost-cutting measure, which also had the nice advantage of keeping nosy hackers out of the hardware. Other than the superficial differences and of course the fact that you can't get access to the leads of each chip, it's pretty much identical to any other DMG.

EDIT: In other words, not a prototype, just Nintendo being cheap yet again.

Well, believe it or not, the cable design IS already online! This is rough, but here's some cable info: http://blargg.parodius.com/nes-code/serial/cable.html

Keep in mind a few things about this information: it's just how to build the cable, and has no code examples for the NES. Not yet anyway. Also, the Famicom connector schematic and NES expansion port schematic are totally untested at this point, and are speculative. I am hoping that this weekend I can test the Famicom version of the cable design. Keep in mind, the big thing is the RS-232 to TTL conversion so you don't blow up your NES. Anyways, the info on that page is intended for people who more or less know what they're doing with this stuff, so if it's too hard to figure out from that then you'll have to wait for the tutorial. Keep in mind, the cable isn't going to be useful without the software either, but you can at least order some parts if you must. smile

Sure, I'd love to see pics and give you a hand. Also, don't let a little (or big) hardware failure stymie your hacking efforts! I have blown up, melted, fried, and let the magic smoke out of countless devices while hacking. And continue to do so on occasion. Just last week I killed one of my Munchausen NES cables during a burn-in test of a faulty design, and I also killed one of the first prototype carts with a combination of too much heat, too many soldering/desoldering cycles, and ESD. Take lots of pics of all of your work, failed or not, and then you and others can learn from it.

Every time I blow something up I congratulate myself on a mess well made. smile Good work, and good luck!

You know the huzzah is the bomb. Better than nobama and Trent Reznor put together.

And neither is someone else we all know:

http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?s … 0113277126

There you go.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

mee too also. Leestening. Veery nice. Very. Man, this goes good with ginger ale and electro-shocked fingers. Alot better than trying to type with said shocked fingers, as you can see. ALSO: congrats, you are not Trent Reznor! WOO!

One a more serious note: this is very good stuff, extremely deep and very thoughtful. Top notch!


Alrighty, progress update: the new cable design works! Huzzah! Doing a burn in test at the moment to try and make it fail, and if all goes as planned then we should be one step closer to beta release. I'll need to double check with Blargg what other milestones we should hit before releasing the beta version, but I am thinking it won't be too much longer. Hopefully. smile

Still pumped... is it coming?


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Got pics of the VB? I am possibly interested.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Downloading now. Smiletron releases are usually tons of fun. BTW, excellent art! Who did the art?

Sure, why not. It's gonna be another day before I compile everything anyway.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Excellent. Very much excellent.

OK, unless some submissions magically turn up in my inbox before midnight it's all done with. I'll roll it all into an archive and post it up before the week is out. I hope.

Deadline's coming up! Get 'em in before Monday night.

A list of people who have made the compo so far:

Ub (micro-b, but I don't know how to make a 'mu')
J Arthur Keenes

Thanks guys!

OK, another update! First of all I apologise for the lack of information flowing out of the project. Things seemed to be in limbo there for a while, with unexpected problems coming up. The solution to the cable problem is (I hope) coming to a close. Once I've had a chance to play with the new design some more I'll fill you all in more completely. Many thanks to the beta members who have been very patiently and quietly waiting for their hardware. You guys rock! big_smile Also many thanks to Blargg who has kinda taken the entirety of the project in hand for a while so he could focus his lazer-like intensity onto some of the more pressing problems.