That 8static flyer is so cool, I might print it and stick it on my wall for no reason other than that it's cool. Not to find out how to print it without anti-aliasing...

And it's time for the next challenge. This one is simple, kinda.

This is an UP FOR GRABS challenge, meaning the first person to grab it gets it!

You will pixel an image of the videogame console of your choice undergoing "surgery." Think modding, only with a medical twist. smile
Also, no larger than 256x256 pixels. 10,000 bonus points if it's been pixeled on a videogame system or vintage computer.

Well, it's not my best effort ever, but I was crushed for time... so it's a poster for a concert starring Low-Gain and his evil twin robot:

I'm sure he'll be surprised to learn he has an evil robot twin. smile

Oh, and I didn't copy from his logo, that's my own pixels. As you can probably tell though, I need to get better/more dedicated in my work, since this is admittedly pretty lazy. I spent about 2 hours pixeling and another 20 minutes just setting up the NES NTSC color palette in GIMP.

One other thing to note: I did this pixel with my Apple IIgs and recolored to NES NTSC colors with the GIMP

OK, I'm going to try and get this done today.

arlen wrote:

Oh wait, those don't matter.

As a wise man once said: he who does not value opinions does not deserve to have any.

FantomenK wrote:

Probably the best music video ever made...

I beg to disagree. Rap gives me indigestion. And it's an unoriginal Mega Man imposter. And where did that blasted butler put my monocle?

Hey Misfitchris, your avatar is giving me eye-diabetes from being too sugary-cute. smile

low-gain wrote:

if you had the money to spend on an interface for your puter that has more than 2 inputs, then you probably have the extra $$ to drop on a midi solution for the DMG.

I got mine for free... hehehehehe!


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

As I said in a comment on your music page here, this is fabulous. Now seriously, call the guys doing the new Tron movie and get signed to do the end credits. DO IT.

Wait, aren't you the one who was getting a song remixed by *whack* ...for the *WHACK*

/gets carried away by the dark NDA ninjas

I have the American version of the first one, it's known as the Tandy 102. Woot! Now I'm going to bug the video maker to get his code... mwahahahaha!

Russolo! You wanna rework this? Let's stick to single-person challenges, it seems more challenging to just get people to do this than anything else...

It'll also be nice when school is finished up and people can actually do things.

Come on! What's taking so long Enso? If he doesn't reply tonight then... I don't know what we'll do!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

I know this isn't exactly a chiptune release, but many people here in the chip community, including myself, take Planet Boelex as a huge inspirational force and his work is deeply respected. Check it out, "Raja" is his first all-new release in quite some time now:

This work is truly fabulous, and continues a strong tradition of works from Planet Boelex. His previous works follow low-fi, 8 bit, and glitch themes more strongly than this one, but anyone who claims to care about electronic music in general should give this a listen since Planet Boelex, in my not-so-humble opinion, is one of the cornerstones of modern independent electronic music.

This seems to be pretty cool, but honestly I miss the look of the old Ubiktune- lovely art. Would you consider releasing the old site graphics in a zip package so I could make a commemorative desktop BG perhaps? smile

Looking forward to my downloader saying 100%...

Now, as for multilpe GBs and a single LSDJ cartridge, this isn't feasible since the access lines on the GB cartridge are done in an asynchronous parallel style, meaning you'd inevitably have access conflicts. The only way such a simultaneous access could work is if each GB CPU was programmed to have synchronized sharing of the bus lines, which would be incredibly cumbersome. Low-Gain's solution sounds like it'd be pretty good though, 4 channels with hard panning on 2 gameboys. If you needed further panning you could mix the panning live by hand I suppose.


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

There were only 4, alas.