
(123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

OK, R&D funding found, parts are gettin' ordered very soon. I think I'm going to settle on a nice 4Mbit NVSRAM so I can do 8 banks of save data with no need to ever worry about a battery.

For those who are curious, the NVSRAM acts just like a normal SRAM when powered up, but when power is removed it immediately transfers all the SRAM data into a special onboard non-volatile bank, from which it is restored when power comes back. They can supposedly maintain data integrity for at least 20 years with no battery, even when used intensively.

I'm also settling on 27c020 chips for my prototype, (instead of 27c040) since 512kilobytes is probably way overkill. But the pinout will be the same, so I could always drop one in later.

Assuming my prototype goes as planned I could be accepting preorders in as soon as 3 to 4 weeks, with production beginning when my summer vacation does.

Congrats on the sale man.

I think our furry, big toothed friend here may become somewhat of a meme if we aren't careful... hahaha!

Ehh, Firefox + adblock + Mediafire = ick.


(47 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah, being able to do some playing about without tracking would be a very attractive prospect to me.


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

And yes, the Trek references were quite worthwhile. I caught the four lights reference and then had to listen more closely to see what kind of insanity was afoot. smile

And thanks for the compliments on my criticism, though doing this makes me slightly uneasy as I haven't ever released any music myself. Someday I hope to be on the receiving end of some of this, and I look forward to it.

Yes, and perhaps Turtle might snap at you too... smile

Can someone upload this to Archive.org so I can actually download it? Mediafire is being totally stupidious right now.

Well, that's why we keep this guy around, so he can do the dirty work for us:

Oh, and BTW, this Mediafire download is really just being stupid, it just sits there, doing nothing instead of giving me a download link. sad

Ooooo, this should be quite nice. Downloading now. Oh, and for all you Chipmusic homies, come visit us over at Chipcoalition sometimes. We won't bite. smile


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Sorry if I've unleashed a storm of negative criticism Norrin Radd, but if you or someone else manages to pull off chip-metal well I'll be impressed in the extreme. They are very VERY hard to mix, IMO. You have my deep respect for even trying to pull this off.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

tacticalbread wrote:

Never done drone/noise, but I may attempt something.

haha, I know what I'm going to do!

Nanovoice + Arp2600.

Hell yes.

Waitwaitwait... whaaaaat!?! This had better sound fantastic, to be using that kind of gear! smile Dang, didn't know TacBread was such a high-end hardware guru.


(152 replies, posted in Collaborations)

This sounds a bit exciting, it would be cool to hear what comes out.


(55 replies, posted in Releases)

Taken by themselves, the tunes and vocals are pretty good. I don't think they mixed as well as one would have hoped. Honestly, I was kinda digging the heavy NES sounds, but every time the vocals would come in I'd just start laughing at how rather... well, silly it sounded. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty good album, but I don't think the mix of NES with screaming sounds dark and metal-ey.

Thanks for the joy though! The last few tunes which didn't have any vocals were certainly more my style, and I'll keep the album around for that reason.


(47 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nice work Turtle! They look hawt. If I didn't have a bad case of moth-in-wallet syndrome I'd probably help a bro out and buy one.

Oh yes, hadn't heard this before and it's fabulous! Now to try out the Norin Radd one.


(56 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

low-gain wrote:
arfink wrote:

Mmmm, golden slug! Sweeeeeeeeet.

when i get my stock i'll put this one together. smile should be cool!

I really need to get my NEO GEO built.. alas... i refuse to do so until i get a 2 player 6 button candy cabinet. hahaha

And those show up in the MN area about once in a lifetime, hahaha! Some time I need to bring my Neo Geo to one of our get togethers, I have a really nice console I built with custom Seimitsu controllers like the candy cabs have got, only portable.