100% sonic and MJ covers


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I do the chip musics for the dollar dollar.

Units will start shipping within this next week.


Good news everyone, I've tested updating the firmware with Lazerbeat, and it worked perfectly.


One thing I just realize: on that PDF with the midi cc mapping for the Sega, there is no parameters for controlling the PSG square waves' envelopes. Won't that be possible?

It's theoretically possible, but I haven't implemented it yet because I personally do not use automatically generated envelopes on the PSG.

I'm happy to try and throw something together if you feel it is required, though it might not make it into the first shipment (and would be included in future firmware as a result).

Men of Mega wrote:

So is there a video yet?

Coming soon - ETA is Saturday or Sunday smile

sergeeo wrote:

Have they already been shipped?

I will be emailing people as I ship them.

I will also post here when shipping starts.

OK, so I'm planning on creating a series of screencasts / demo videos over this weekend - here is what I have planned so far:

1) Basic setup / connecting it up / channel mapping (applies to any DAW)

2) Channel mapping / how to control parameters via MIDI CC (in Live - but applies to any DAW)

3) GenMDM FM channel strip - overview and setup (Max for Live only)

4) Using the DAC channel (in Live -applies to any DAW)

5) GenMDM DAC channel strip - (Max for Live only)

Is there anything else that people would like me to cover while I am at it?

Victory Road wrote:

The data ranges in the midi mapping guide - how do they work exactly? I mean, say I send a CC value of 127 to one of the operator's attacks rate - does 127 then equate to 31? Or do I need to be sending a CC value between 0 and 31 for it to work properly?


So - the data range of 0 - 127 is scaled down to only 32 discrete values for the SEGA from 0 - 31.

In other words - if you send a CC value of 127, this is "the same" as setting that particular parameter to it's maximum value of 31.

If we are talking about a parameter with a data range of "1", then this means there are only two parameter setting a "0" and a "1". In these cases, everything below a CC value of 63 (inclusive) will result in the "0" setting and any CC value of 64 or above (inclusive) will result in the "1".

Make sense?

Basically, it's the full range of 0 - 127, mapped to whatever data value ranges are expected for a given parameter. That way, when a physical controller is connected to those CC's, it makes more sense...


DJ-PIE wrote:

You can still send Midi Signals into the MD without using Max4Live? I don't have any of them (Live or Max)

Yep! You need a DAW or music program or whatever that can send:
- MIDI notes and velocities
- MIDI continuous controller (MIDI CC) control data

to individual channels.


A question for little-scale and lazerbeat (or whoever else knows ableton more than me): can I set midi CC parameters per clip? Is this done on the envelope screen?

Yep - in a clip, go to the E for envelope. Change the category to MIDI Ctrl. You will see all of the MIDI controllers in the sub category menu. Hope this helps!

iNFOTOXIN wrote:
Lazerbeat wrote:

Live and max versions?

Live 8.2.8
Max 5.1.9

Hi! How did you install it?

In my case, I would need to copy all the files in the zip - which are:
little-scale GenMDM FM Channel Strip.amxd
little-scale StripCC.maxpat

to the relevant Live directory - which is:
HDD > Users > Me > Library > Application Support > Ableton > Library > Presets > MIDI Effects > Max MIDI Effect > little-scale

Can you confirm that you have done this or the equivalent in Windows?

I made this today:

http://little-scale.blogspot.com.au/201 … evice.html

This Max for Live MIDI effect device controls the global parameters of the GenMDM SEGA FM chip. Only one instance of the device is needed per GenMDM unit.

This MIDI effect devices allows for the control and automation of the following parameters:
• Bend amount in semitones
• Octave division (default is 12, of course)
• Transpose
• NTSC or PAL tuning mode
• LFO enabled
• LFO speed

All of these parameters can normally be controlled via MIDI CC data, however the GenMDM Global strip makes the process more user-friendly as well as integrated into Live's automation and mapping environment.

Download here: http://little-scale.com/downloads/genmd … _strip.zip

Basic Usage:
1) Connect the GenMDM as per usual
2) Create a new audio track in Live. Route the SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis audio output to the track
3) Create a new MIDI track in Live. Route the output of the MIDI track to any GenMDM channel 1 - 6.
4) Add a copy of GenMDM Global Strip to the blank MIDI track.
5) Sequence note and velocity data as per normal.
6) Change the parameters of the GenMDM Global Strip - you will hear the corresponding changes in sound.

That would be fantastic!