(20 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

SketchMan3 wrote:

I'm Heading For a Bomb Shelter, I hope you're taking notes! The list of wrongs has significantly decreased, lol.

SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. Good job on this one. smile

BLUH, pissed that my classes start that day. sad I'll try to catch some of it, though.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SketchMan3 wrote:

Or just use an in-browser client.

Yeah, Mibbit's pretty good.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd really like to know some of this stuff as well. Trying to set up a VA venue and would love any knowledge on the topic.


(20 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

SketchMan3 wrote:

I'm just curious... do you think :40 would sound better with a more "normal" beat, instead of the kick and snare going at the same time? Maybe the change from laid-back-beat to BLAST-BLAST-BLAST is too abrupt?

That's what I was thinking, because it goes laid back>BLAST>breakdown really quickly. Listening to it again, I can see the appeal, but I think it's the meandering melody mixed with the sudden blast beat that kinda throws me off, you know?

SketchMan3 wrote:

I think the first part would be stronger if it had some bass added after a couple measures, instead of just the lead and drums the whole time. I wonder what kind of bass would fit their, though...

THIS. But I have no idea what bass would fit, either. hmm


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Man this good. So glitchy. So gewd.


(20 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

From 0:50 on it's pretty damn good. I think cutting the section from :40 to :50 would really help the song feel more cohesive. Also, though you probably wanted a short song, I think you could really go somewhere with the last section and possibly work it back around to the section at :50 which I think is your strongest section.

Sorry if any of that's too vague to help. tongue

Yeah, I can't wait to see where this goes!

Auxcide wrote:

Lameboy on the DSone supercard.
Some little kinks and things but it was fine enough since I had the card already. I do miss being able to close the DS and the song would be in standby.

Haha, true. And terrible was too strong a word. I just couldn't get the hang of it and it seemed to run a little sluggishly on my CycloDS.

Lazare wrote:



Snazzy. wink


(38 replies, posted in Releases)

You could go over your process for a more visual representation of what many threads have covered here? Or...um...I dunno...I guess just your process in general would be interesting to see/hear about. Meh, anything about mixing/production would be cool. smile

Auxcide wrote:

I test drove lsdj on my nds.

Did you use lameboy on a flashcart or did you have a gba flashcart? Because that's how I tried to start using LSDJ and man was it terrible. Also had my DS Lite for Nitrotracker from when I got it for Christmas.

I had a bunch of Gameboys, but my GBC's speaker crapped out, I didn't have a headphone adapter for my SP, and everyone said the GBA sucked, so I just went on ebay and got a backlit/prosounded greenboy. Meh, not as drastic of mods as pitch-shift, etc., but I like it. :3 Hopefully I can get their (bought a greyboy to do 2xlsdj) innards moved into something less beat to shit. Yup.


(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)

minusbaby wrote:

I feel like this "OMG! THEY'RE COMING TO GET US" hyperbole is largely borne from green artists looking for solidarity in paranoia.

Agreed. By new, do you mean chip artists that started in the 21st century? Because that seems to be the case in almost every thread this discussion has come up in. Most of the responses from people in that group are just fear-mongering and paranoia. Also just blatant denial.

Take for instance the "we'll have to sift through a lot of terrible shit to find the good stuff" argument. I'm sorry, have you looked outside of the chiptune scene (which also suffers from the following) lately? The amount of garbage music you have to sift through to find the absolutely immense amount of good music out there is unreal. Every tween with a DAW is throwing up shitty tracks soundcloud and bandcamp (e.g. bronies). There's nothing wrong with that, because they're learning (or maybe they're just subjectively and/or objectively terrible). My point is that this scene is already like that. There are a lot of chip artists out there who I find terrible. Maybe they're learning, maybe they just don't have talent, I don't know. The point still stands: You already have to wade through a lot of shit to find things that suit your taste. How would more—potentially better—artists joining the scene harm it? You'd have to sort through a proportionally equal amount of artists that don't suit your tastes to find ones that do.

And, note, that I'm emphasizing "your" and "my tastes" for a reason: a lot of this paranoia stems from the fact that pop music, dubstep, shitty electro, etc., etc. aren't what you're looking for in music. Great, don't shit on other people's parade just because you think you're all high and mighty and that pop is below you just because you're making some niche music with kitsch appeal. As minusbaby put it:

minusbaby wrote:

Truly you don't think that chip music versions of pop music end up any less pop, do you? Have covers of pop tunes by chip musicians become a version of Stockholm syndrome [no pun intended <):'p]?

I dont' see a reason to think that the music you're making is any better than the music that makes thousands (maybe millions) more than you're making. Clearly they're doing something right, regardless of how artistically lazy they are. Why do you think you crack the cheesiest fucking smile when James plays "Sexy and I Know It" or when someone throws "I Just Had Sex" on the party playlist? Because it's fucking catchy and you know you like it you sneaky motherfuckers, you. You're allowed to dislike things. You're allowed to present your distaste in a logical fashion. What I don't think you should be doing is becoming a jaded cynical asshat who like to piss all over whatever you even mildly dilslike, because that's a lot of what's going on in here. As the [insert dicksucking here] minusbaby [cock-in-mouth] stated:

minusbaby wrote:

The whole thing is really bugged out and full of holes. I just want to hear cool shit from cool people.

I'm gonna be buying from that Hong Kong site today. Just a small purchase (2 3rd-party headphone adapters, 2 headphone/charger splitters). I guess I'll tell you guys if they actually have them, if they ship them, and if I get them, how quickly they shipped and how good the stuff is (to my knowledge). Yup.

Cementimental wrote:

Really cool idea tho I wouldn't be able to use it since I don't read music smile

Sheet music's actually surprisingly easy to learn. Probably easier than learning to manipulate all of the values in most trackers. tongue