Worthy cause! Chipped in a few bucks.


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Dise, Thanks so much for sharing this, you fucking own 2.3 more releases now!!!


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Don mentioned his might be  possible with his arduino voodoo controller thinger?


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I rather like DS10 Dominator - http://www.ds10dominator.com/music/


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

They haven't renamed it chibicompo yet?


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Please tell me that's a t shirt?


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am a huge fan of the Indonesian scene, I really wonder if there are people using hardware other than gameboys out there? Anyone know of any non GB indonesian musicians? Listrix, JW86, Hello Stereo and Local Drug Store are all LSDJ rockers?

BitPop wrote:

Is that just the one DMG?

Hot Tune indeed. Pretty sure its just one DMG though.

Unfortunately I think the current article, while being very good, isn't likely to match Wikipedia's verifiability criteria. It's kind of an inherent problem with many nascent bits of culture in a post internet age, they are very very difficult to define in a manner supportable by a "reliable source".

I do think Goto80 hits most of the important points rather elegantly here:



(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey man, the soundclip is still there I think? Or it was as of a couple of seconds ago. Curious to hear what you come up with!

Yah, I must admit, thinking about it that would be a pretty awesome feature.

You can dramatically slow the color cycle which has a very similar effect

I did a little video of all the new features!


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Following on from the absolutely fantastic Litewall project, I had a thought.

Litewall grew out of a random off hand day drea which a couple of really really talented coders got inspired by an developed into a working tool which far exceeded the original concept.

Bearing in mind the NES/Powerpack combination is:

- Fairly Cheap
- Robust
- Small
- Easy to get hold of
- Awesome

With a growing list of great software

- Glitchnes
- No Carrier's battery of tools and gadgets
- Litewall

I wondered if it might be fun to throw a few more concepts around and see if anything else sticks. If not, it might prove a useful pool of ideas next time a coder is looking for a project. Forgive me as I have no idea how possible or practical or hard or easy any of this is, purely from an aesthetic point of view, so:

- Fractals -

No idea how possible this would be but a slowly zooming fractal generator might be fun.

- Conway's game of life -

Watch life happen and listen to chip music.

- Growth -

Bit difficult to articulate this one but I LOVED the Hunters VJ set at Blip 09, and the idea of something kind of organic looking has always appealed to me. Starting with a few objects at the bottom of a screen which can slowly grow or expand towards the top of a screen with successive button presses? Kind of hard to articulate.

Curious what other ideas people have.

Just recorded a little video showing off how awesome this is.

I think I may have found a little bug too, there is a thin line on the right side of the screen when using any of the "secondary" shapes. Present on both my Powerpak and my Emu. Its by no means major but I thought you might want to know.

Also you are my hero!

Could I make a "vertical rain" pattern request please?


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

4 chan is in there.


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have 4

Make that 5