Some random awesome memories in no special order
- Meeting g-zom and derris-kharlan for the first time after knowing them for years.
- Dancing with above to Trash80
- Meeting Wilba, one of my all time heros, of midibox fame.
- Wilba flipping out about meeting trash80.
- Amazing greek food
- Awesomely chilled and relaxing peptalk from Hunz back stage before I went on.
- Monodeer being the sweetest guy in the world AND the most awesome hadcore rock star bad ass on stage.
- Meeting Batsly Adams both pre and post beard.
- ILKKE's visuals and general all around awesomeness.
- Amazingly dancable sets from Hally and Saitone, both at the absolute top of their game.
- Little-scale's MD midi interface workshop.
- Chatting with Abrasive in person finally.
- Having a bit of leisure time with 3 of my favorite people in the world, tim, kristy and eugene.
- Getting singled out for a beating by 10k then buying him a beer.
- Black on Black blip shirt.
- Mike Rosenthal grilling like a champ.
- Seeing tons and tons of tattoos everywhere which is a real novelty for me.
- Australian sweets and candy being almost identical to english sweets and candy.
- My set going really really well, managing to pull of vocals and loads of hugs and handshakes for the following couple of days.
- Impromptu cheapshot shout out.
- Finding out my chess muscle hasn't completely atrophied.
Probably more to come!