Im going to be a huge populist and go for
Unreal by Purple Motion - YT link
I don't have the mod of it, nor do I know if it is uploaded anywhere but "Horses by CTrix" is one of the best things EVER. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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Im going to be a huge populist and go for
Unreal by Purple Motion - YT link
I don't have the mod of it, nor do I know if it is uploaded anywhere but "Horses by CTrix" is one of the best things EVER.
Huge progress here, this is really shaping up to be something rather awesome.
My dilemma is that I don't want to fork CDDJ down two paths, even if the difference is just one of keyboard layout, and your requirements pretty much hog the whole keyboard
So maybe a toggle button switches between the current (albeit tidied in v0.3) layout and the trigger-buttons-aplenty layout that you've suggested... Of course, I've got about 100 MIDI CCs to play with, so that's no problem, but the nanoKontrol doesn't have enough for what you want. So maybe you use the nanoKontrol for the stuff that's duplicated on the keyboard, press that hypothetical toggle button to switch the keyboard to slice trigger mode (or whatever we'll call it), and away you go.
Forgive me if I am missing something here but I pretty much always envisioned CDDJ as something which was controlled by Keyboard/Midi controller kind of in harmony, I mean, you are always going to have a keyboard available if you are using the software. I totally appreciate my idea is pretty button use heave but unless I am mistaken, you aren't using any "shift" / "alt" / "ctrl" commands for any of your keyboard shortcuts.
Would it not be possible to use "Left/right Shift (or alt or ctrl)" + one of the 32 keyboard buttons to trigger slices in the respective deck without interfering with the existing keyboard set up?
So can you give me more info on how you'd use the feature? That might help me to understand better. Does existing DJ software do this; are there any references I can look to? I haven't used Traktor for some years, but I don't remember whether it had 'jump-to' points...or bookmarks, I suppose we could call them? Am I completely missing the point (very possible!)?
Or maybe I'm just being pedantic and what you want is a rounded-off percentage-based system where '16' gets you as close to the middle of the song as possible?
Heh, sorry, I guess I should have explained this from the start, would have made a bit more sense. I like CDDJ a lot and have two ideas of how to use it. One obviously being DJing other peoples mods. The other being I have never really been able to strike a balance between the three different things I like about chip/scene music, portability, authenticity and performance, none of the following is in ANY way critical of how anyone does music, nor do I think it is correct, just my take on things for me poersonally. For example, gameboy is "authentic" and portable but not much to it live. My Midibox SID is "authentic", portable but not really something I would want to use live. A combination of Milky / CDDJ would give me a really nice balance of all three, I can sample anything I want from my synths, I can compose in Milky, the live set up is a netbook and a Nanokontrol and CDDJ is super fun to use live.
I would actually be writing in Milky tracker with a view to specifically performing in CDDJ, for example, always putting kicks on channel 1, snares and hats on channel 2, bass on channel 3 so I knew what to mute/fade. Second I would write songs as more or less collections of loops and pad the song if I need to so it would be be 32 patterns long which would mean that the progress bar WOULD be exactly 32 blocks.
The aim would be to make a really heavily on the fly mixable live set and I would always know which blocks were which part of the song and have an almost Ableton like (I actually don't like ableton at all other than the live triggering of loops in performance mode) control over the mod.
I think a combination of 2 of the features I suggested, "play block 1-32" and "restart current block" would still give you pretty fine control over your set. Assuming CDDJ users spend a few minutes listening to their mods and working out where parts of the track they are interested in using in the set are, say they wanted Pattern 11 of a 45 pattern song they could hit for example. "Shift Q -> Restart current block" and be at the start of pattern / block 11 in 3 key strokes.
I'm also thinking about other ways to give you pattern-accurate seeking. Modplug, which I haven't used for years, has a big horizontal line of numbered boxes corresponding to patterns which you can drag/drop to reorder the sequence, or just click to jump to that point. Would something like that help, so you could instantly jump without having to zip through intervening patterns, and with greater accuracy?
Something like that would be awesome, if it isn't too impractical. My main thing is I like the idea of having fast and accurate access to different parts of the song. I fell that would make CDDJ a really powerful too for live performance. You could play snatches of patterns or whole patterns in different sequences, repeat the same pattern with different instruments muted etc etc. It might also solve the problem of the progress bar blocks and the number of patterns not matching up.
Change of subject, in your last post you mentioned loop left/right deck: what do you mean? The block-loop function that's controlled by the 'L' button on the GUI?
Yes that was what I meant.
Thanks for keeping the conversation open on this!
Either or I think. They are midi synth based on old computer chips, sequencers all that good stuff.
Have you tried the midibox projects?
chunter wrote:Has anyone taken on the corrolary of "how do we get more people into tracking?"
if people were made more aware of the 20+-year backcatalogue of mindblowing module tunes on a regular basis i think there would be more interest. not just that, but being able to sift out the best of the best - being shown the work of tracking legends, demoparty multichannel compo winners and the like.
A good place to start is but I started a very education AHX Love thread with loads of people posting awesome AHX tunes, would anyone mind something similar for mod/xm?
Following good advice from you and Starpause, I've nuked the second playlist - now there's a single playlist in the middle and you can either drag'n'drop entries onto either deck where they play automatically or use the arrowkeys - up/down to highlight the one you want, left/right to load it into a deck and play. Now that I'm reacquainted with my code it should be easier to implement other things
Great, that should free up some UI space so you could put the play / cue / loop buttons on either side of the playlist or something.
Edit - Adding a keybinding/midimapping for Loop left/right deck would be super handy.
Awesome, thanks a lot. I do have a quick question would I be right in thinking loop relates to blocks rather than patterns where as spacebar sync and pattern scan both relate to pattern?
Milkytracker then play live with CDDJ!
Heh, I just snagged it from this link
Looks like the zip was there but the page links to the old one.
A SUPER dirty screen cast, never ever done one before and the mic picked up loads of background noise. However you will be able to see CDDJ in action doing stuff.
Extra channel mutes / Auto BPM / Auto restart / The retrigger
If these could make it into a future release it would be AWESOME
Move the info display to somewhere more visible; gotcha.
Another thing which would be great would be a slight color offset behind the progress bar something like this might make it a little easier to see where you are in a song. Say the background behind blocks 1-8 and 17-24 being a slightly lighter grey or something.
Option to load MODs with the first pattern looping / Non-transparent dropdowns - I think it's possible; I'll have to check. I'm using somebody else's (notoriously fiddly) GUI library for that, so I'll play around.
These might be handy but are far from deal breakers.
Autodivide, slices - not sure what you mean here. Are you talking about the aforementioned block loop? Yet again, I think there's a control to choose the division factor, though I'm not sure if it ever worked too well...another thing to look at.
Re reading what I wrote I notice it makes almost no sense. Where I said slice I should have said "block"
I wasn't thinking of the block loop (which would be useful though), I was thinking along these lines. Each mod is divided in to 32 blocks, mapping each block to a keyboard location, for example :
Block 1 - 1
Block 2 - 2
Block 8 - 8
Block 9 - Q
Block 10 - W
Block 16 - I
Block 17 - A
Block 24 - K
Block 25 - Z
Block 32 -, (comma key under "k")
Would allow you to hit for example Left Shift + "T" Instantly play Block 11 on Deck A or Right Shift + "S" would Instantly play block 18 on Deck B.
Then you would be able to instantly jump to different parts of the mod with a great deal of precision. I found myself missing blocks I wanted to select when using the mouse.
Lastly unless I am doing something wrong, which is likely, these mappings
DECK A TRANSPOSE UP - cc47 (momentary)
DECK A TRANSPOSE DOWN - cc49 (momentary)
DECK B TRANSPOSE UP - cc48 (momentary)
DECK B TRANSPOSE DOWN - cc44 (momentary)
Seem to be fine tempo up and down, not pitch/transpose up and down, is transpose mapped to anything?
Thanks very much for taking the time to look at these ideas man!
I actually have things rather nicely set up by midi, the only thing which was slightly unusual was the pattern scan not working quite how I expected but that is no major problem. I posted a whole bunch of (probably impractical and annoying) suggestions on the release thread on Crayolon if you have time to look things over.
Actually, I am going to try a set with CDDJ and a Korg nanokontrol 2 controlling everything. My first DJ set of anything ever, I am now collecting some fun mods to play!
Now with added running order.
I appreciate this is a huge necrobump but I was pleased to find out totally by chance that Banshee, which seems to be replacing Rbox as the linux music player of choice, plays mod and xm~! / Forums / Posts by Lazerbeat