Now it is installed, I don't know if it was but I did it. But the problem is the same... sound is still horrible...

it's hard because I have to start pi boy, quit emulation station for have the terminal, then plug usb adaptor with ethernet + keyboard, and type commands by hand. I have to figure how connect to ssh on it


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Happy birthday herr_prof!! And really thank you for all your helps about my chiptune problems, that's very nice!

With my other pi, I found the quality of audio pretty ok! I used it here (there is also genesis but you can easy know what is what) : … el=MazHoot

So maybe this pi boy 3b+ pi can also do it? I don't know what is the version of my other pi...

I know there is other thread speaking about that but they are quite old. Is there other solution than use usb soundcard?

my device is a pi boy with raspberry pi 3b+ inside with retropie and emulation station.

The weird thing is that sound in emulators is ok but not in native applications (lgpt, the sound seems to be shitty on doom too).

@herr_prof helped me with an other raspberry pi but the problem was different  (at the end, sound was ok on the other pi) and also I don't want to broke the fonctionnality of pi boy so I prefer ask before try to reinstall alsa-sound... I'm a little afraid broking the screen displaying because I have no information about the screen and I saw on internet other peoples had problems using it if they try to reinstall

Ah ok herr_prof nice idea i have usb to ethernet adaptor so it should work (no wifi here)

But right now my problem is dirty audio in lgpt. I see in other threads that the principal solution was external usb audio interface. But maybe it's outdated because audio works good on my other raspi without usb interface and i would prefer much without

Maybe i should create a new thread for that because it's related to rasppi not specific to pi boy. The audio problem is on a pi3b (which is inside pi boy)

@herr_prof no there is no ethernet port.

But I finally get it working, (but there is a problem about audio) it seems that it doesn't like when changing stuff on the sd card. I "finished" an important part of my setup, used it like 4/5 times and emulation station always started now. If someone has a pi boy, you must exist lgpt then press start on emulation station then choose system shutdown. If you don't it can corrupt files and don't start again...

And I discover how accessing terminal too. If you choose quit emulation station insead of system shutdown, you arrive to a terminal! And there mapping is easyer because a log is created (have to use mapping event print option with lgpt command in lgpt wiki). You just need to remember which button you press before open the log (with cat lgpt.log for exemple). And doing that I saw that lgpt was good launched from the terminal so if I use only lgpt maybe I will just automatically start it and don't launch emulation station like I did on my standard raspberry pi.

So now it's good mapped and midi works good! BUT, the sound of lgpt is very dirty. It sounds like a problem other people already had here. The thing strange is that sound is fine in other emulation games.

Other points :

- the shoulder buttons behind the pi boy are not good when you put the gameboy on a table because the buttons are pressed, I think it can ruin it in the time, keeping them always pressed...

- screen with lgpt is small, it's fullscreen but lgpt has a yellow part unused around the program, that should be much better to zoom in a bit but I don't know if it's possible. It's a little hard for eyes for me


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

When I bought everdrive x7 it was also for add some personnal code on it, but fm synthesis sound definitly really hard to code... maybe some day...

About deflemask, I love the possibilites we can do with it, I used it for one song on my ipad. But I couldn't find a way to use it with a gamepad and working with touchscreen or with keyboard and mouse is bad for me, I really love gamepad ergonomics for make music.

Right now, for me the best solutions I found is use LGPT on raspberry pi, and controlling megadrive with genMDM and CC's in LGPT. There is just a little delay (milliseconds). Otherwise it's fine and if record lgpt samples + megadrive separatly can remove this delay.

But if someday your tracker could work with my everdrive then it will be also very cool, it will offer others possibilites and different working approach which is very interesting for me... I don't really can explain why but i'm not very found of using emulators like blastEM when I know I can use my real megadrive instead.

I'm able to start lgpt on pi boy in the ports section of retropie's emulation station. The operation with other pi handheld or pie retropie should be the same. My actual problems are :

1) emulation station sometimes don't start but maybe that's because of bad shutdown programs. Normally we need to close emulation station from menu before shutdown the gameboy.

2) for now I can't use buttons correctly, they are crazy mapped from my mapping.xml file (if no file they don't work at all) which is complicated is that I can't see the terminal (or don't know how) and so can't use lgpt key display option. Pi boy doesn't have raspbian only retropie and don't know how access to the terminal from it... With a keyboard connected and using it, it works fine


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

What do you mean by instruments are the same? On instrument page? I have to check tomorow.

- all is empty yes, no junk things nowere in song page and in note page. Other pages not checked yet.

But the junk things started when I used blastem sram. Never before with a lots of tests. So I have to test with blastem sram in v0.15b for see if it do it again.

Also, don't forget than sram works good with real game (sonic 3 and didn't test other games.

And, the sound off bug which is still here.

I will be able to test other pages and blastem sram junk test tomorow in the afternoon.

For find other people with other carts tests, the best way I think is asking on facebook's chiptune groups and if nobody then retro gaming facebook pages. And also on everdrive's forum. I can ask on facebook I will do it when have some time.


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

yes even with saving manually :-( I didn't try yet with blastEm sram but I tested already with sram which was in the zip


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

So I tested with 0.15b and it's the same first problem : generating module data at each start and it's empty :-(

So I finally received my pi boy. It launch retropie at start with emulation station and don't have raspbian.

I added lgpt folder in home/pi. On retropie if I go in options, there is a file manager and I try to launch lgpt from there. It don't work i have black screen I don't know why...

I saw on internet there is the "ports" possibility for non-emulation file by adding in a specific folder. I have to test that


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

Waoww thanks!! I will try that tomorow and say


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

Corthax wrote:

BPM: saved in sram. Without propper loading it just sets to default.

I meaned, set the default one quicker, but yea, if save worked then it will not be really a problem. It's just that I think nobody will start make a sound with a bpm low like this. And when I used MD tracker for the first time, I searched a long time to find how change the bpm, so I instead made a sound (on RG350 emulator) with this low bpm... (I was searching key combo for jump down to bpm instead of just go to the down of page with d-pad) If the default one was a bit more quickly, the first experience of making music for user will be increased in my opinion, but it's a detail...

Corthax wrote:

I better to make new 256Kb sram tracker version for X7 testing.
Wait for 0.15b released in few days"

Thank you!! :-)


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

[double post]


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

Videos : (sorry for my difficulty to speak english I didn't speak since very long time, i'm searching all my words lol...)

- screen bug with blastEm sram : …

-> on megadrive : launch MD tracker 13 and then again MD tracker 14

- the fabulous moment where save worked (only this time...) …

-> doing some stuff at home like eating or watever... for 1hour or 2... (didn't touched the megadrive! O.o)

- save don't work again and the old problem appeared again : …

- the undiscontunated sound bug : …

EDIT : when watching again the videos, I noticed that sound bug seems to be ok when save works. But not if not because on the second video when I press start again for stop it seems to be completly stopped. Not like in last video