Ok, after several tries, things become different, The second time I tryed to use blastEm sram, the screen was crashed, you will see what it's like in a video I will post. I could reput the screen ok after launching MD_tracker 0_13 and then again 0_14. And after that, display was better, main screen was ok, note screen has notes already, and FX too, BUT!! When I change it, power off (or reset) and power on, it's successfully saved!! That's the first time it worked. I retried it several times after and it was the same. Notes already there on new "patterns" but save works!
This can make possible start a song and with it testing more things.
I will update the videos soon, and have to make one more for the sound bug
EDIT : ok this is really weird... now it reproduce the firsts problems. When I start megadrive again and load MD tracker, it says generating module data and it's blank... If I choose load file to sram in menu, then I have the instruments but not the notes...