forum seems dead - or they won't let me in!  sad

Ah yea backwards compatibility is an issue - didn't think of that.  Maybe you could put a flag in for new deflemask files.  If there's a way to do it I think it would vastly improve the tracker from the Genesis side.  VGM and TFM kinda annoyed me in that volume envelope realm.  Johan changed the LSDJ vibrato quite a few times - not sure how he dealt with the backwards compatibility issues but I do remember a few of my songs breaking. So it definitely happens.  Honestly it was worth it because the vibrato on that program is like gold now.  Maybe you can make available older versions of the program so people who hate change can still hang on?  Thanks again!  Finally getting the hang of all the key commands in the Deflemask now.  big_smile

Delek wrote:

There are specific effects for specific operators' volume.

Ah yes didn't think of that - derp.  Thanks.  Also, what exactly is the tracker volume doing with the patch?  It seems hard to pin down - is it changing all the TLs?  I still think you should consider it - makes sense for the overall patch's timbre not to change when using the main tracker volume value.  Maybe its more logical to let timbre change with just the effects columns?  probably confuses a lot of beginners.  At any rate - thanks for your hard work.

Hey Delek - can we get volume envelopes to control the TL volume for only the carrier(s) (operator that you hear) of each algorithm.  This would mean turning down one to four carriers simultaneously depending on the algorithm and would have to be done by scrolling a percentage of the initial value.  Check out the Alisia Dragoon soundtest in options if you want a good example - play a song and then hit B and you can hear the cleanest fadeout ever.  As it is now - volume envelopes change the patches too much.  This is annoying when doing an echo effect because I have to make several instruments.  Also overall dynamics for everything would be amazing too.

To further clairfy:  If you are using Algorithm 4, volume envelopes should control just the Total Level of carriers 2 and 4 while nothing is done to modulators 1 and 3 (maybe a percentage could be applied to the existing value - so if i had the TL at 32 and changed it with an effect, the effect would calculate what percentage of 32 I had turned down).  another example:  Algorithm 0 would need to only modify the TL of carrier 4.

Does anyone know where I can find the program mentioned here: … -Megadrive


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

dirt patch demons.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

my setup is so cluttered wowzaz!


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:


I like art.


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

I forgot to post this here when we released this:


oh man it's too fuckin sick!


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Laserbeak43 wrote:

tried reading the blog but didnt find anything. What's a teletime do? is it an nsf player or production tool?

hey - added a youtube video up at the top ;]


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

John Riselvato wrote:

Gez, 50$ for recycled carts. Meaning you only have to program them and slap a new label on them. Plus these are second run, meaning they are not worth as much as the original carts in resale. I'll have to think about this...

Well I think you're mistaken about the amount of work these take.  Desoldering the CHR and PRG for 50 carts is pain staking and takes a lot of time.  I worked on producing this for 1.5 years + working within the limitations of the art was also very tricky.  I also laminate the labels, polish the copper traces.  Basically if i want to get paid about $2 an hour for producing this the price would be like $100 a cart.  Not to mention No Carrier's hand in coding this.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

preorder HERE

Also for a select few (please only poor chip musicians) I can reduce the cost if you ship me an NROM game.  Hit me up at [email protected]


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

man - you guys are really raining down on my idealistic parade sad


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

arfink - you are very Spock-like.  I dig it.  What if they sold those to Adafruit or Sparkfun.  I think the Maker community would like this sort of thing.  I would think that SMD parts would be out of the question at first.