(21 replies, posted in Releases)



(21 replies, posted in Releases)

9 tracks that I had written over the past three years and played live.  Comin atcha on Friday!


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

I hate open mics. They tend to go like this in my experience:

Man with acoustic guitar doing a James Blunt cover. Everyone loves him.
Man with long hair playing metal guitars solos over backing tapes. They are covers. Everyone loves him because he can do a nice guitar solo.
Pretty girl with acoustic guitar singing her own songs. Boring but at least she writes her own songs. Everyone loves her because she is pretty.
Me. With a Game Boy. Drunken idiot comes up and starts hasseling me going on about how I'm just playing Tetris. People look on confused in horror. Someone shouts "play Mario" and gets a round of laughs. Afterwards someone tells me that they stole one of Sabrepulse's LSDJ carts at a gig. He is clearly a prick.
A guy reading bad poetry. He is rhyming sky with high.The crowds reaction is more positive than it was for me.
Another man with an acoustic guitar. This one does an Oasis cover. Everyone loves him. Oh for fucks sake.

Doing them was funny for a bit, it felt like trolling IRL. But that got pretty annoying after a while and I can't be arsed anymore.

People are typically talking about chip specific open nights in this thread like the ones before every 8static.  However that's very unfortunate that those are the experiences you've had.  I have not played an open mic in a while but I've always had a great response in people asking me what exactly I was doing afterwards.  Maybe it is because the open mics I have played have primarily been in a college setting, but people tend to love what I'm doing because it is NOT the same old acoustic stuff that they will hear at your standard open mic.


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I play frat parties.

How did I not see this sooner!  This is a huge game changer!


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

Edit: Double post
Probably worth it.
Double edit:
Fuck.  Totally worth it.  I need to relisten when I wake up.


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

It's rare that I download a chip album and listen to it immediately. 
It is not rare that I download an an0va album and listen to it immediately.

Natty, any chance I could use FlashHearts drum set?

I make music as Ro-Bear to learn and utilize what I've been taught while conveying my emotions.
I make music as Kill3r Whale to get popular and make out with girls.

DaPantz wrote:
Pixel8ter wrote:

Finally...an0va is going to tear down west philly with a meteor shower of low-fi bits....or something to that effect.

This can't be quoted enough.  His set is going to shit all over mine.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cheapshot wrote:

I think I dislike people who judge others based on what music they listen to more than I dislike colon cancer, biggots, and maggots under the foreskin.


I guess I'll clarify.
I should have stated "I think I dislink people that like 'any one particular genre of music' more than I dislike 'any one particular genre of music.'" 
I suppose what I'm getting at is that I hate the mindset of "Oh yeah, I love (any one genre)" because I feel it dismisses many others.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think I dislike people that listen to dubstep more than I dislike dubstep.

What's shakin?

I'm so jealous of this


(34 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Something involving Greek mythology definitely