Interestinig idea. But wouldn't it be more practical to just mod DMG with extra buttons and inner circuity? Sure you'd lose the feel of actual retro controler but still...

Bit wish wrote:

Will it sound better or the same for dmg?

It sounds better even on a DMG (and MGB and most probably on CGB too).


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Great! Works like a charm now!

Can't wait for tut on changing the sample loop (maybe even patcher? wink )


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Wizwars wrote:

Am I insane or does the rom have none of the functionality listed in that post?

Well, I'm missing all mentioned button functionality except for the up/down pitch tuning. I haven't check the link port signals yet.

edit: running this on GBP


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just tested on pocket. Can't really tell which rom is which because they are all labeled SLICE in my EMS's menu.

First rom - really annoying background noise. The other two - way way better, actually the noise from the first one seems to be gone completelly and what is left is only bit depth related stuff. Can't tell the difference between the 2nd and 3rd now since I didn't record it.

Great job on reducing the noise!


It's AMEN BREAK GAMEBOY ROM! I'm gonna keep that on the second page for sure.

edit: ok, I'm addicted now and have request: hardpan the break left and give me 4 ppqn click to the right wink


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I should buy Shruthi.

kitsch wrote:

like, one that mounts inside the game boy maybe?

sounds promising smile


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

i have the PCBs assembled.  oddly the only remaining part for the kit is the hookup wire,

if you've got wire, i'm good to go.  if so, just PM me and i'll drop the price on a kit a little bit for ya

I'll wait a little more to save up for bigger order but DogTag might be interested.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

little-scale wrote:

but the problem with doing the mod 100% in software is that you're limited to the lower end of the freuqency range of the hardware running at that particular clockspeed

Oh, I see that now. My bad.

edit: is there more specific time then 'soon' for the easy_CLK Kitsch? wink


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

little-scale wrote:

Of interest maybe (tuning table etc): … e-boy.html

I guess it is possible to use similar trick to "half clock" LSDJ in software. Has this been done? I'd be interested...


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DogTag wrote:

The idea was to install a switch so that I can dinamically change between half and normal clock.

Gameboy will crash most of the times you switch between 2 crystals. Normaly you have to do this when it's turned off. Kitsch had great item called easy_CLK in his store which makes it possible to switch between normal and half clock while the gameboy is running. It's labeled "coming soon" on his website.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

dasid wrote:

If you are doing this with arduinoboy ,  can it go straight to standalone midi gear or must it go through a computer to work?

Yes it can. Arduinoboy sends standard midi note messages, no usb midi.

Timbob wrote:
Jotie wrote:

Notes under C2

That's easy, just underclock it.

Not if you only half-clock it. In that case you get C2 as the lowest note, nothing under that.

I'm not sure if you can get 1,048576 MHz crystal...


(63 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

wedanced wrote:

i hate you.


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

do you comment your source? (C or ASM)

and, would you be willing to post it?

(i think a lot of people could learn much from this, myself included, without having to work backwards from the bin)

^ that would be amazing


(135 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
