(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool deal. Thank you very much guys!
@DanimalCannon - My wife loves you. haha


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I really should grab up some more merch...
Another mod question. Since I'm already playing with 1/8" jacks, should I just go with 1/8" prosound mod? is there benefit to going with 1/4"?


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ok, so.
I've always played on a pair of unmodified DMGs. Last night however, I was playing a show at Derailed ( a local club). I mentioned to a guy that I was selling shirts to help raise cash for backlights. Turns out he had just won some money at the casino, and bought ALL my shirts. and began to throw them around the bar. He then tossed me an extra $50 once my set was finished. (Generous guy, really craziness)

I know I want backlighting, and prosound on both dmgs.
But what other mods out there are really worth it? I have a serious budget for it right now, so I figure I may as well go all out while I can right?


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey there! I just put an album out recently. You can find it at http://10spd.bandcamp.com
Give it a listen. If you'd like to play it, I can send some of the tracks your way without the charge.


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

@Maxd Nice, man! Get some footage! I'm recording a set tonight as well.


(15 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Wouldn't even know how. lol.
I'm just going to be running the audio out from the PA into my lappy.


(15 replies, posted in Audio Production)

One last element to this. I typically livestream my sets for the out-of-towners and under-agers. Do you think it will be possible for me to get audio to both the livestream and audacity at the same time? Again, if this is a stupid question, I'm sorry. haha Recording is not something I've done much of.


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

I actually dig it a lot as well. I think without it you would lose a TON of aesthetic.


(206 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

Hipsters... haha. Nice sounding set though, sir!


(65 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Thanks for the post!

I'm so excited about this. Goodbye cart batteries. Hello bliss

Can't wait to get my hands on this!


(65 replies, posted in Collaborations)

http://10spd.bandcamp.com RADMOBILE


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

big_smile Impatiently waiting.


(15 replies, posted in Audio Production)

@Krubbz Not at all!
@KT - Sounds perfect. What was the going price?


(15 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Those mics look like they would get the job done no problem! And that case is too rad.
How would I got about recording directly to an external drive? I'm sure that is a terribly stupid question, but hey, you don't learn if you don't ask right?

edit: Unless you mean assign an external drive for Audacity's output? That I was going to do anyway.