i have a few DMG-01's i am willing to trade depending on the condition and if someone has a power pack / adapter set.

it looks like 4 batteries molded into the the back battery panel and it has a DC connection plug on the back for an adapter.

i would like the power pack and adapter.

non-finite used to make them but i cant see them on their site anymore.

here is one that is very similar but for the Gameboy advance.
http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/system … dapter.jsp

i need one for the original DMG-01

mrspastic rat-a-tat-at gmail if you have one.

Thanks! smile yikes wink


(39 replies, posted in Trading Post)

hey man, i have two dmg-01's.
i really need one of those powerpack/adapter connectors for a gameboy.
they used to have them at non-finite
do you have one you want to trade?


(131 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

making patches for the MBSID isn't too tough, you just have to use either a control surface which you would have to make for the MBSID or a patch editor. since i didnt make a control surface i just use the patch editor that is supplied on the http://www.ucapps.de/ site. the editor is called the "JSynthLib editor" it works fairly well. there are also some other editors which work for the version 2.0 of the firmware. here is a brief and simple overview of my mbsid, just for your information.



(20 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

great job

this is pretty damn cool. will keep a look out.