Still interested in a catalog of SNES stuff!
305 Dec 13, 2013 8:52 am
Re: Zelda 3DS XL, 32GB Wii U, iPad 3. Prices Lowered! (53 replies, posted in Trading Post)
306 Dec 12, 2013 6:48 pm
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
nitro: I may just send it to you. And include the Gowin cart from the other thread.
I don't recall the device ever being recognized by any computer in any way. It has never worked - except for the power indicator lighting up.
I programmed the AVR using this thing I finagled:
The software programmed it successfully and was able to verify.
I can confirm the type of FTDI chip when I get home.
307 Dec 12, 2013 6:43 pm
Re: alternate boot screens on gameboy - I thought this wasn't possible? (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
just a quick postscript, I finally opened up the cart to figure out if I could use the plastic for anything, and the answer is, "not without significant cutting of one or the other".
The power switch cutout is larger than on a standard cart (and at an angle). The screw holes line up, but the bump in the back shell is bigger for some reason so it doesn't fit as well as it could.
Kindof a bummer, because these carts are pretty, and a whole slew of them recently appeared on eBay.
308 Dec 12, 2013 6:26 am
Re: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
What if I just hate having useless half-finished projects lying around?
309 Dec 12, 2013 5:11 am
Re: What are you favourite programs for making music? (64 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I don't think I've used any programs other than LSDJ, Digital Performer and Audacity to make music in years. I guess that makes those my favorites!
310 Dec 12, 2013 5:10 am
Topic: I'll pay you to fix my Zeigler-style programmer! (35 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Before I got an amazing and awesomerad super cool programmer from Jazzmarazz, I bought a blank PCB from someone else way rad and tried to build a programmer myself. It looks like this.
It does not work. It gets power, but no computer will recognize it. I suspect that the problem is my soldering on the SMD FTDI chip, which I did by hand with an iron and solder that probably weren't fine enough for the job. Maybe I burned out the chip! Dunno!
I'm going to be doing a lot of cart reprogramming in the coming months, and only having one programmer kinda gives me the willies; I'd really love to have a backup. I also have more money than time right now, so I'd REALLY love to pay someone with some experience in this stuff to troubleshoot the damn thing for me.
So - have you built this project before? Are you super comfortable with SMD work? Have you done a lot of ATMEL or FTDI projects before? Let me know why you think you're the right person to fix this guy for me, and once I find the right person I will:
1. send the programmer and some extra parts I have (extra ATMEL chip, extra FTDI chips although the moisture sensor that comes with them is way past limits if that even matters, maybe other parts)
2. also include some cool stickers and junk
3. pay shipping both ways
4. pay you for your time and any parts needed if you can fix it, and also let you keep the spare parts (except maybe the ATMEL chip)
5. if you can't fix it I'll still probably throw you a few bucks, let you keep the stickers, and pay to send it on to another person who thinks they can fix it
So whaddya think? PM me if you're interested!
311 Dec 12, 2013 4:59 am
Re: clear GBP at local thrift store, I'll buy it for you if you want (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Obviously the work day is over, but if the gameboy is still there tomorrow, my offer stands.
312 Dec 11, 2013 11:52 pm
Re: MJP sale thread - empty! (135 replies, posted in Trading Post)
313 Dec 11, 2013 11:07 pm
Re: MJP sale thread - empty! (135 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Reformatted carts section. Deleted sold things. BUMP
314 Dec 11, 2013 11:00 pm
Topic: clear GBP at local thrift store, I'll buy it for you if you want (1 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I was at my local thrift store on my lunch break today and there was a very clean looking clear GBP for $15. Not an amazing wow geez! price, but definitely a good one. I can't find any on ebay Buy It Now for less than $30.
If someone wants it, let me know and I'll go back to the store today, test it out and buy it if the screen and battery contacts are good. I could get it to you for $20 ish CONUS.
Bonus points if you also want to buy something from my sale thread.
315 Dec 11, 2013 9:25 pm
Re: GIFT PROJECT -- the 'ziegler/polish-student' flash cart + FRAM (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
316 Dec 11, 2013 7:24 pm
Re: Edirol V-4 warmup time? (2 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
317 Dec 11, 2013 7:21 pm
Re: GIFT PROJECT -- the 'ziegler/polish-student' flash cart + FRAM (37 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
bump? :3
318 Dec 11, 2013 2:36 pm
Re: Which DMG would you choose? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
looks like you found your missing buttons tho
319 Dec 11, 2013 2:35 pm
Re: Discog's NES cartridge removals and forum discussion (11 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Why doesn't someone just start a special discogs-style site for cataloging "album on a cartridge" releases? "mapping the history of chipmusic"
320 Dec 10, 2013 10:53 pm
Topic: Edirol V-4 warmup time? (2 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
The Edirol V-4 is finally starting to drift downward in price, so I nabbed one to replace my V-1. I love it, but it has a weird issue where it requires a few minutes of warmup time. The behavior is very consistent, I turn it on and everything is basically static, that slowly turns into what looks like normal video with a sync problem and weird color on the left channel. Then I reboot the mixer and it works perfectly, for hours and hours.
Anybody else every have this issue? I haven't opened it up or anything, but my only working theory is that there's some kind of capacitor powering the processing board(s) and it's fucked up so it's charging slowly and it takes awhile for the voltage to ramp up. Anybody every opened one of these suckers up?