unfortunately ??? and XC3N are unable to make it. However, Pixel8ter and Decktonic will be joining us!
also, here's a sneak peak at some new mo0n.tOnes http://soundcloud.com/mo0n-tone/7-phase … ne-raw-mix


(13 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

also does anyone remember a remake called return to castle voxenstein? so buggy, yet so much fun


(13 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

ace of spades is a surprisingly amusing game

also, hypermelodies or whateverthefuck they're called fucking suck. gimme some rhythm and bass

pixls wrote:

I was gonna say something mean to all of you and then i realized it wasn't constructive
but basically:

shut up and make music how you want to make music. who cares how anyone else makes music. the problem i have with chip music is this incestuous fuckfest that happens online where everyone high fives each other about coming to an agreement about how something "should be done." get off each other's dicks and go back to doing whatever it is you do.

I agree with this statement *high fives dixls*

Heosphoros wrote:

You guys are all fucking losers. Jesus.

metal sucks dicks

I never make the same song twice. This is probably why nobody likes my music and why i'm not sabrepulse haha

Spotts wrote:

Really the only difference i think is that people with a DAW go over the top with the effects. The only effects I use are EQ's and a scream 4 distortion unit to make the drums sound nice and chippy. But I don't believe in using delay or anything. It's not chiptune then. Thats just a prefrence though

not gonna lie. most people using a DAW (I'm just going by majority here) don't have much background with audio engineering / production, they just get their cracked copy of fruity loops off the pirate bay cause they want to make "beats".

The engineers who use effects like tools instead of, like, well, effects, can actually produce nice sounds without bashing you over the head with ZOMG REVERBS CHECK IT OUT I LEARNEED 2 SIDECHAN kinda bullshit


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

oh word? congrats! if you come over to the beast coast we'll have a party


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

the title track offadis is mah JAYUM.

??? and XC3N just confirmed for the show


boomlinde wrote:
Downstate wrote:

lol @ 'hardware fags'

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Ear training is a lost art.

being an artist is a lost art. though i totally agree

yo just a random question, i'm sorry to distract this thread but what kind of waveforms can the lfo output?

akira^8GB wrote:

OK next party we'll fly to East Brooklyn, New York, to make it really dangerous tongue
(I wish!)

You should go on tour with this lineup, and just hit all the sketchy neighborhoods in the cities you go to.

Actually, please don't. I like you guys better alive tongue

µB wrote:

Maybe he just can't afford hardware, don't be too hard on him sad

I'm so sick of hardware fags.
some of the best fucking genres of electronic music were produced on pirated software.

nordloef wrote:

I would like to point out that Reason is not a DAW.

Now carry on.

Well, as of Reason 6, it fully is wink

though I'm not sure why this stopped anyone from using it before. The soft synths packaged within can do some pretty ill things, especially thor / maelstrom