

(31 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Among other mixers (I've got way too many now) this has worked fine for smaller applications. I have a soundcraft mixer, and it's complete shit (good for no input mixing though hehe). Though idk, it could have been their worst model. However, I have picked up a 12 channel mixer made by Helios when I was first starting out, and it's been with me ever since.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's all a matter of finding the resonant frequency and projecting it at a decent amplitude. I remember reading somewhere what the frequency range was about for glass, but i forget now.

godinpants wrote: how we do it in Australia.



(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Apeshit wrote:

Not exactly tie dye, but you could try a swirl paintjob. They can look pretty cool and there's tutorials online on how to do them.

oh holyfuckingfuck yes

I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of AnimalStyle yet, dude gets one of the best blends of just pure lsdj and guitar. Here's an old video of his:

heart u too bby

pixls wrote:

I wanna see facundo jr. two-stepping through the blip crowd.

Pixel8ter wrote:

No they should have a cable for you.  Speaking of open mic...maybe I'll hit it up in honor of the last Studio 34 show.

facundo wrote:
SKGB wrote:

Crowd Surf!

this kid crowdsurfs daily. he's also learned the art of spontaneous nut punching just like his father.

shit well if i see him in the pit i'm watching the fuck out

herr_prof wrote:
peter from facebook wrote:

Nerds should feel the way about BBT the same ways blacks feel about Amos and Andy.


this is still neat though

facundo wrote:

kids under 1 get in free, right????

Crowd Surf!

Krubbz wrote:
an0va wrote:


*shrug*  I like it.  I've had a lot of training with it and feel it's capable of a lot most other programs aren't.  What you call convoluted, I call efficient.  And the proprietary madness has gotten better since Avid took over.

Trust me, once you learn ableton, or even logic (but that's a fucking mess as well in a different way) you will realize how much protools slows down your workflow. That being said, working with whatever tool you're most proficient at is def the best way too go.

In regards to good eq work, I figure i'll just mention 2 things: mix down with your ear, not your eyes (don't rely too heavily on peak indicators and visual eqs) AND listen to your mixes on as many varied types of speakers as possible (from tinny shits like earbuds to car subs).

jefftheworld wrote:

Sometimes you'll want to add a sub-bass to your song, but be very careful to keep this from taking over your whole track.

Saskrotch wrote:

i just want to recommend oZone as an EQ/Mastering VST. shits beautiful.


egr wrote:

Line out to a cranked guitar amp in a tile shower and mic that shit.

while I'm taking a shower right?

Do some Led Zeppelin shit, line out to an amp, bottom of a stairwell, put a mic at the top of the stairwell