pixls wrote:I honestly cannot believe this thread has gotten this many serious responses.
and fuck all that advice. you dont need all that extra shit. your using synthesizers guys. learn synthesis.
look. took me less then an hour.
pnada wrote:Seems I'll just have to figure it out on my own.
Most times that's the best way to go about it.
also, to make up for my dickishness, let me try to give you some advice:
1. Dubstep is an electronic genre, with the vast majority of tunes produced / programmed on a computer using a DAW (digital audio workspace) such as Reason, Logic, Ableton Live, Motu Digital Performer, Cubase, Reaper, etc
Keep this in mind when trying to recreate it in a chiptune environment / sonic field, remember that it is not mainly (though it can be occasionally done properly) produced using hardware effects boxes and guitar pedals. SHIT IS DIGITAL MAAAAN
2. The main sound of the wubwubwubwubwubwubwubWOMPWOMP wobbly tasty bits is a bass trick. It is accomplished by running a low frequency synth (if you're using lsdj, lets say a G3 sinewave in the wav channel) through a lowpass filter. Next, said filter's cutoff (the jawn that determines what frequencies pass through, and what don't) is MODULATED by an lfo (which is, most often, a really low sinewave, though you may use a saw if you like, a square won't do too much sadly). By ATTACHING THE LFO TO THE CUTOFF FILTER, the frequency spectrum of the synth rises and falls in a sinewave pattern, giving you your WUBWUBWUBWUB.
3. BUT I DONT HAVE ANY LFOS TO PLAY WITH ON MY LSDJ / NANOLOOPS?!?! yes. now here's the fun part. you have to emulate the effect described above, to the best of your synthlicious ability, within the limitations of your chosen weapon. I recommend using the wav channel and toying with the volume envelope / alternating rising and falling volume instruments / pitching pitching pitching. Also, if you are looking for that YOI YOI YOI YOI BREE BREEEEE shit, don't CLIP a bitch, WRAP that motherfucker.
fuck i don't know why i wrote all that ish, but there ya go. Experimentation is your best friend.
-go forth and do epic shit
edit, damn my bad, i didn't realize you were done here, well, hope it helped nonetheless